Twenty Nine

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After that night with Aiki we both spent the week together mostly showing him around new place and site seeing. We was having the time of our lives. Today we were going to the mall to shop early for winter wear. "Come on or I'm gonna leave you". I yelled at Aiki whiles he's locking the car. "Stop rushing the store isn't going anywhere". He said as walked up to me. We then started walking around throughout the store for about 3 hours shopping for clothing and other things. "If i walk any further I will faint." Aiki said as he threw himself onto the food court bench. "Could you go buy us so food please?" I laughed saying "Did the U.S life made you this lazy?" 

I then grabbed my purse and started to walk towards the food stall. Looking back for a split second whiles walking made me bump into someone spilling their food. "Oh my gosh I'm soo sorry".  I said as i bent down cleaning up the mess. A lady voice then said "oh no its fine". Still bent down I went into my wallet standing up to give her the money to repay for her food and immediately stopped when I saw her face. My body felt frozen. I couldn't move or speak. I cant believe this. This is the mother of his child. The lady in the picture.  His firs-.... "Wait why am I thinking about him. We're done i don't care anymore."

She then began waving her hands at me snapping me out of my dazed. "Are you okay? It looked like you've seen a ghost". I laughed awkwardly. "Ik really sorry let me pay for tour food." I said standing on line ordering mines and hers together. As I handed her their food and was about to walk away she asked "would you like to eat with with me."  "Uh im sorry my friend is waiting". "Oh please it wont be long". She then pulled my hand carrying me to her table.

As we sat down she called out to someone saying "Az come here". Soon I see a little boy running over to the table sitting with us. The feelings that I felt was so unreal. I couldn't think properly being around them. "Az say hi to this nice lady". "Hi um um what's your name ma'am?" She then added "oh I never did got your name". I replied saying "I-It's Toru". "Hi miss Toru" the boy said. I awkwardly waved hi back. "This is my son."  I smiled slightly saying "I can tell. he look's so much like you." She then laughs saying "I thought he was gonna be more like his dad but I was wrong". I flashed a quick smile before going back to a straight face.

She then look's over at Aiki and asked "is that your boyfriend?" "No, no he's just my best friend". She laughed saying that's how it started off too. "We close friends and then we turned into parents". She then started laughing at her own joke. I then started to feel my phone vibrating in my pocket but i payed no mind to it. I then asked "where's the dad?"  She scoffs saying "I dumped him right after I gave birth."  I then faked a surprise face on. Saying "but why"?  She then said he wanted to be one big family but I wasn't ready for that commitment. I was already unsure about how to tell him that it's not his and he came with that talk. I had to let him go". My jaws was dropped. Did this woman just heard what she told me?

She just kept rambling on and on about things that don't concern me but all I could've thought of was her saying that this isn't his child! But i don't care that's his problem I thought as stopped her from talking saying. "Im sorry i have to get back to my friend now. "Oh no its fine go on."  As I walked away I heard her said "I'm mina btw. I then waved bye and quickly walked back. "Took you long enough" Aiki said as I approached him with food. After we ate we both went back home.

As we got home I rested my bags at the door and went to lay down for a while. "Hey. You good in there? You've been mute ever since we left the mall. You okay?" "Yeah I'm okay" I replied. I tried and tried but why couldn't i take it off my mind? "How could she? Why would she? And why do I still care? Its his business not mines. I don't care about him or her anymore. All i need to focus on spending the last day with Aiki before he leaves back for the U. S tomorrow.

Time passed and night fall. "Ugh I'm hungry" I said as I got up to go into the kitchen. I suddenly stopped when I saw Aiki at the door with his bags. "Where ate you going now? Your flight isn't until tomorrow." He sighed before saying "My agency called me in an early flight. They want me there early than expected". I stood in disbelief saying "oh". I then ran back into the room getting dressed and running back out. "Let's go i'll carry you to the airport". "No its already late. I'll just call an taxi." I walked passed him grabbing one of his bags saying "I wasn't asking". And then headed to the car. He then loaded his stuff into the car and we left for the airport.

"Were you gonna leave without saying goodbye?" I asked driving. "Oh God no! I was trying to find the right way to tell you. I thought you would've been upset". I rested one hand on his shoulder saying. "Now why would I be mad". The way I said it made us both burst into laughter. We talked and talked all the ride there and soon after we finally made it. As we offload and went throughout airport security. We reach the point where I couldn't go any further.

I was trying my hardest not to cry whiles seeing him off. "I guess this is goodbye". I said wiping my now teary eyes. "No no don't cry please don't." He said pulling me into his chest. "This isn't the end. I'll be back to visit more. I'm glad that I got the chance to be reunited with you after all these years." I started to sob more. He then lifts my face up drying my tears saying "I'll miss you too." Before kissing me on the check and leaving.

It was such a bittersweet moment. I just took a deep breath in and turn around to leave the airport. I started to feel sleepy and I didn't feel fit to drive home. So i went to the airport cafe to buy me some strong coffee to keep my awake. Soon after purchasing i sat down at a table and immediately fall asleep. "Miss! Miss? MISS!" The workers yell out to me to say that they're closing. I stood up walking to my car still between sleep and awake but stopped immediately when I heard....


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