Twenty Two

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The days has passed and it was our last night here. I must admit I don't fully regret coming, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would've been. The best part was that I feel like I've grown more closer to Sho. Every chance we got to be alone we spent it together. Although we wer among others it felt like it was just us both. Also I've now grown to the fact that I may permanently be quirk less now. I'm just gonna graduate and enjoy life like a normal citizen would.

"Oh shit I'm supposed to be packing" I said snapping back to reality. "Damn I really be in my thoughts a lot lately" I said laughing as I stuffed my belongings into the bag. Sho was busy with the teachers so he didn't really have tike to pack so I've lending a hand to help him. I mean he's doing a lot for me already it's the least I could do for him. After about 3 hours I was done and I was ready to go. After bringing out and Sho stuff near the camp fire I went to take a seat as everyone was about to say their final goodbyes before we leave. Then I quickly remembered that I left my personal bag where I was an quickly ran to get it back.

As I reach there and grabbed it a sudden bright blue light glide across the top of the forest trees past me and suddenly i hear a large BOOM shaking the ground causing me to drop. I looked up to see the trees on fire and hearing loud screams. "SHO" I shouted as I got up running towards the camp site to see everything demolished by the fire. Everyone running to get away and injured persons everywhere. "NoNononono this can't be fucking happening now". I said grabbing my hair trying to find Aizawa. Running around trying to avoid flames and searching for Sho I heard cries from a girl "help me please help me" she cried on the floor. I looked at her to see right leg is broken.

I was stuck deciding what to do. I didn't wanna leave her there but I needed to find Sho. Tears rolling down my face as I said "I'm sorry" and started to ran off until I heard her scream again. I looked back to see this mutant like villain along with another burnt looking one with blue flames coming towards her. "Shitshitshitshit". I yelled and without thinking I ran straight into that villain trying to push him away for her but immediately got blasted straight into a tree.

It felt like every bone in my body had shattered to pieces. Blood immediately came shooting out my mouth as I drop to my knees. He then proceeded to walk over to me. I was frozen no power no help. I was about to die. "Is my life a curse? Why is this always happening to me? Can't I get a Fucking Break? I started yelling to myself as a heavy surge of rage, pain, and anger arose  within me as he came closer. As he lifted his hands to blast me, I looked up at him screaming at the top of my lungs. "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME LEAVE US ALONEEEE!"

And suddenly it was like a big sound wave the went throughout the forest blowing out every fire nearby. The villain then puts his hands down as if someone was forcing him to and just turned around and walked away like nothing happened. "Did they just left cause you told them too? The girl asked. "I looked at her saying " I i don't kno-" before collapsing onto the ground. I heard her immediately screaming for help afterwards. My sight got blurry. My head started to become filled with thoughts. But they weren't mine. I was confused about what's happening.

"Hey what's happened to you" the man asked the girl. "No no help here she's been blasted by the villain to save me". As I hear the footsteps running towards me the voice said "Toru!" "Toru wake up. Are you okay" I then turned to see it's Sho holding me. I touched his face saying "somethings happening to me". 


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