Seventeen ( truth reveal, truth hurts)

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"What is all this about? Why are you so recently concerned about my life?  It's none of your business". I said staring at him emotionless. " Thank you for the meal. But I'm going to bed. And tomorrow I want to leave."  He rubs his face saying " you're not fit to be alone. You need my help". " I don't want it if I'm feeling uncomfortable and pressured. I then began rolling myself away into the guest bedroom. I didn't wanna be around him. "Who is him to just bombard his way into my personal life."  I was furious. I locked the room door s he couldn't come in. "Toru let me help you". He said knocking on the door. "I could handle myself. I'm not crippled" I said as I struggled to pull myself in the bed letting out groans softly from the pain so he doesn't hear me."

After I got in, I soon fell asleep. But not for long. I soon started unwanted memories popping up causing me to have nightmares. I couldn't sleep. I didn't wanna see those things I tried so hard to forget. "Why can't I get away from this pain? Why does it always finds itself back to me? What did I do to deserve this". I said sitting up crying. "I tried everything to numb the pain. I tried drugs, I literally became the smartest in the school to keep me occupied and take my mind of  this, and I even tried to love someone. But it's all fucking useless. I'm foolish to think I could live a normal life". Tears rolling down my face. "Am I weak? Does this makes me a weak person". I asked myself crying.

Aizawa Pov

"No that doesn't make you weak". I said sitting on the floor next to her door. I didn't wanted anything to happen whiles I'm sleeping so I sat by her door just in case of an emergency. I felt horrible for being the cause of bringing up her past. I just wanted to help her and hopefully grow closer to her but I fucked it up like I always do with good things in my life. "Will she forgive me?" "Would I even forgive myself ?". I stayed up all night thinking about her. And soon after there was no more talking. It seems like she went back to sleep, so I did too.

Toru Pov

"Is it morning already? I haven't sleep much last night". I said as I sat up yawning and stretching. I then took the sheets off me and started to lightly come out the bed and walk. As I took several steps I thought I didn't need the chair until I started falling so I quickly leaned onto the wall trying not to alert him. I then walked around the bed using the wall to grab the crutches for me to use instead. I then began walking out the room heading towards the bathroom to take a shower but realizes I have no clothes. So I sneaked into his room and took out one of his shirts and quickly waddle over to the bathroom. After a while of me struggling to shower I was finally done. As I sat on on the toilet seat to drying myself and was about to get dress I noticed that I pulled the wrong shirt out. I thought it was a big t-shirt buts its on of his button ups long sleeved school work shirts. It was supper big on me. The sleeves we so long it surpassed my arm length.

"I look utterly ridiculous" I said as walked out the bathroom towards the kitchen. As I was about to enter the kitchen I saw Aizawa cooking shirtless with a robe on. I walked back so fast. "He looked so fine" I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and walked in saying "Goodmorning". As he turned and looked at me he bursts into laughter whiles looking at me. "G-Good Morning to you to". He said looking away so I don't see him laughing. I walked past him saying " I know I know don't laugh". Which made him laugh even more. I went an sit at the table whiles he set the plates and bring both of meals to the table. "Thank you". I said before I started eating. He just smiled and nodded. It was really awkward since we both didn't speak much to each other.

I started to feel really bad of the way things went down last night. I know he didn't mean bad but I just wasn't ready to talk about it then. I bet he's mad at me. I thought to myself. I then said " I'm sorry for the way I acted last night. It was really immature and selfish." "Don't apologize. I'm sorry for crossing that line. I just thought we were close enough y'know". Those words broke my heart. I didn't know he felt this way. I held my head down saying. " My life s pretty messed up. I've been through so much at such young ages it left a unforgettable scar. My parents left me from birth. I don't know who those fuckers are. I was abused physically and mentally at my orphanage. I had to fight to survive. Nobody gave a fuck about me. I was treated like shit and it left me nothing but trauma. It scar me to see the friends I made all get to live with families whiles I'm stuck in a place filled with abusers, thieves and pedophile's. I was homeless from the age of 13. I attempted to end things three times but none succeeded. I didn't want you to feel sorry for me. Hate pity." I said looking up at and him at me.

"Things were going good after I met Lina. She helped me and took me in. Bought me a house at 16. She was like the mother I never had. Until I found out she lied and was pitying me. I hate her for that. I really do". I said breaking down again crying knowing that she was the only one there for me but it was all an act. He then got up and hugged me from behind in the chair. "It's fine now your with me. I'm not gonna leave you." I felt vulnerable yet in his arms. I then said " I love you". Then quickly realized what I said. The tears stopping. " Uh well you know um I-" He then turns me to face him saying " I love you to" before he pulled me into him and starts kissing me. He then lifts me up  resting me onto the table kissing me more asking "Will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled kissing him back saying "Yes!".

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