Forty ( RIP LOVE)

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My eyesight is dimming from the lost of blood. Loosing my balance, can't control my body. Smoke filling up my lungs. I couldn't breathe. I really accepted my faith that there's no way out and I'm going to die today. Heavily breathing grasping for air I dragged my body around looking for a way to escape this hell.   "Poor bitch. I don't know why he was soo obsessed with you. Your nothing but a pathetic low life hero wannabe. You think that you can be like you boyfriend?  Your nothing but trash". Dabi said as he cornered me into a room. Surrounded by nothing but gasoline tanks. I thought "this is it. Now is the time".

"Look at you vulnerable and helpless even with that quirk of yours. I know that you cant do anything once your injured so your like a bug that gonna get crush. Weak ass bitch". He then started laughing maniacally. "Your life must be sad asf having such a huge grudge against someone you don't know. You watch my every move when i don't give two shits about your ugly ass. And your wrong dumbass. I never wanted to be a hero."  My words must taken affect on him because he forcefully rushed against me blasting me through the wall throwing me down to the ground. 

Laying on the ground feeling paralyzed. Last thing I remembered was softly whispering. "I love you Shoto Aizawa". Seeing dabi standing about 3 stories up looking down at me before walking away.

Aizawa POV

"Wtf was she talking about fire gas building". I thought as i drove around trying to find her until i got distracted by the radio news. "Breaking news! There has been a huge explosion at an old gas production company . Sources think that there's villain activity taking place since the whole building is engulfed in blue flames. Firefighters and paramedics were dispatched at the scene. Stay tuned for more information on the matter". I hit brakes so hard in the car making a quick u-turn heading there. Looking up at the thick black smoke thats filling the streets I followed it.

"Please be okay baby!" I said as I sped there. As I got there I saw a crowd of people barricade to the side whiles there's the firefighters trying to put out the flames. I rushed out my car looking for her. I tried to run inside but it was blocked by burning debris. I tried to run around the building to find another way in when I saw her lying lifeless like on the ground. "No no T. Don't do this to me don't die on me". I cried as I held her in my arms. I looked down to see her blood stained my shirt. I picked her up wrapping her wounds up with my scarf carrying her to the ambulance for help. "Please help her" I said resting her onto the bed as they pushed her up inside the ambulance van. The paramedics then started checking her pulse. "She's alive but just barley her pulse is low and her heart can stop beating any moment we need to take her now." They said as they pushed me out closing the door and driving away.

I jumped back into my car following them back to the hospital. When we arrived they quickly took her into the surgery room. "Sir no access beyond this point". The doctors said prohibiting no me from going any further. " I need to be there for her". I said still trying to push my way through. "Im sorry you have to wait here until we're done". I say down stressed pulling hairs out my head. "Fuuuccckkk! Im sorry T. Im sorry Toru." I cried to myself as the hours go by waiting to see you again.

About 4 hours has passed and the doctor finally cane out to speak. I jumped up to hear his response. "What happened? Is she okay?" He sighed before saying. "Thankfully she's still breathing and alive". My heart dropped from relief until the doctor started speaking again "but unfortunately Miss Honda has lost the ability to use her quirk and I'm not sure if she could develop another one. She also has a few broken ribs and will have to complete 1 month of therapy. She also lost a-lot of blood. Im so sorry to be the bearer of bad news". He said before walking away.

I was speechless. I was confused and shocked. She went through so much already and now this. I felt responsible for why she ended up like this. I didn't know what to do what to think or what to say. I went into her room to see her laying down with machines all over her body. I sat next to her and held her hand crying apologizing saying "im sorry i let you down. Im so sorry T". "Y-you didn't let me down". I heard softly i look up to see her awaken trying to sit up.

"No no don't get up rest please". I said as I laid her back down. She softly spoke saying " dont be upset please." As she placed her hand on my head. "It's not your fault". I got so filled with anger that I shot up saying "cant you see what being with me cause Toru?" "Fuck T because I wasn't there to save you lost your quirk and almost your life." I can tell that I startled her by yelling. I started pacing around the room sobbing saying. "Toru I cant keep putting you in danger like this".

"Im breaking up with you." My throat felt like it was closing in as i said those words to her. I looked up at her to see her glassy eyes filled with tears ready to burst. "Please don't leave me". She softly spake. " I love you Sho". Hearing her say that in her condition made me wanna break down in tears. I walked up to her shaking leaning down kissing her forehead saying. "I love you to. That's why I need to let you go". She quickly grabbed my hand. But i pulled away.

Walking towards the door I said "goodbye". I hear her began softly crying. I walked out the room leaving the hospital and entering my car. I began screaming hitting the wheel banging my head crying. " I fucking love you Toru, and I'll always will ".

This was such an emotional chapter to write. I literally cried whiles writing. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the more to come ❤️

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