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Running to school because I woke up late from my alarm being off due to the power outage last night. Bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. Running with a big not knowing if its my school or tool bag. My hair is out of puffed up due to humidity. I was a total mess. Whiles running I looked at myself in the mirror on the sidewalk. "Oh my shit. I look a mess". I said horrified at my appearance. I then looked up to see me standing in front of a beauty salon. I was tempted to go in to get my hair done but then I would be even late for school. I paused for a second. "Ah I rather be late than never showing up". I said as I walked into the beauty place. "Hi what can we do for you today". The beautician asked. I just dropped my bags and pointed at my hair and face. She just giggled a bit before placing me in a chair to get started. "Since your on your way to school I'll make this quick". The feeling of her hands in my hair felt so good I started to fall asleep. About half an hour has passed and she was done with the hair. She spin me around to see my new hair and she straightened it and trim the edges. 

"Wow I looked so good with straight hair".  She then said " lets get started on your face. She then started applying facial creams and makeup onto my face. And in about 15 mins she was done. When I turned to see myself in the mirror I was truly surprised. I looked so different. As i was about to stand up out the chair she sat me back down saying "aht one more thing". She then opened my eye and started to put contacts in. When she was done she allowed to see the final look. She added some amethyst coloured contacts in which made me look like another person but in a good way. After paying her I continued going to school just less in a rush. the contacts felt so weird  so whiles walking I took them out and placed them back into the container she gave me. As I finally made it to school because I was late I had to show my i.d. I then continued on to class before the bell rang for 1st period. As I made it to class and was about to walk in I tripped over my own foot and fell into someone arms. It felt so good like I belonged there until I looked up to see it was Mr. Aizawa holding me tight into his arms in front of the whole class. 

"Are you okay?" He asked helping me stand up. "Yeah yeah i'm okay" I said fixing my hair back into place and then locking eye contact with him again. He then bent down and picked up my bag handing it to me and began walking pass saying "you look so beautiful". and walked away. I immediately blushed from his compliment and quickly went inside and took a seat. "Miss Honda you are almost 1 hour late". Almight said scolding me. "Im sorry I had something to do". I said. "well now you have something else to do after school DENTENTION". Expecting that I just raised a thumbs up". "Anyway class I want you to me your new substitute teacher Mr. Haru Hashimoto." Almight said as some guy walked into the class bowing. "He looks familiar" I thought to myself. "Wait isn't that the guy I ran my bike over"? I said to myself whiles looking at him. I started to laugh to myself about the fact that I knocked down my teacher". He then begins introducing himself to the class saying that he's gonna be our teacher for now until Almight returns from his mission trip. I had no interest in listening so I completely zooned out thinking about Aizawa. 

The bell than rang and it was time for first period. School went by really quickly. I did the same thing as normal classes would. And soon it was final period which means back in homeroom again. Almight began setting rules and unrealistic goals he expects us to do whiles he's away. He just talked and talked and talked. Like before I completely ignored his words and went on day dreaming again. Soon the bell ran for school dismissals. Everyone gets up and began walking out the class whiles him here stuck for 1 hour with this new teacher. I thought if i'm gonna be here for a while I should get some sleep that caused all of this. I folded my arms over my desk and rested my head going to sleep until I heard "No way your gonna spend your detention sleeping right?" I looked up to see Mr Hobo or whatever his name was again. "Yes I am so leave me be". I said resting my head back down. he then came over and began tapping his ruler loudly on the desk saying "No I don't think you are, you're gonna talk with me". He said waking me up. "Besides you owe me this for nearly killing me the other day". He said looking at me smiling whiles walking back to his desk.

"Dramatic much"? I asked raising an eyebrow towards him. "Says the girl who insisted on putting a bandage on me when it wasn't a big deal". " I should've left you there. Sorry for having human decency". I said running my fingers through my hair moving it from my face.  "Didn't you had curly hair the other day?" he asked. "Didn't you stopped talking already?" I asked back with sass. "Ooh your a little fiesty one. I like that" he said looking at me biting his lips. I just rolled my eyes and went back to sleep. About 40 mins has passed and there were only 10 mins left for me to leave. I sat up good and ready to go before Mr. Aizawa came and asked for me to spend the remaining time working in his office. I looked at Mr. Hobo expecting him to say yes for me to go with him but instead his he said "I'd prefer her spending her time with me only". I looked at him then at Aizawa so I quickly wrote on my hand wait for me and showing it to on the side of my chair so he wouldn't notice. Aizawa then said "alright no problem" and began walking out. I can tell that he was a little pissed off by him. 

Finally the time was up and I could finally leave. I quickly got up and grabbed my bag walking out the door where he was standing. I accidentally walked into the book stand and drop 2 books. As I bent over to pick up the books I could've feel something behind me. I quickly got up and turned around t see him there. I Rested the books back and ran out the classroom. "Was he trying to touch me". I asked myself running to meet Aizawa.


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