Fifty Two

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"Something's going on with her. She's being really weird." I thought as I watched her through the windows sitting oh her knees in the garden touching all sorts of rocks and spraying her hands with water. "Should I ask about it?" I thought. "No, this is entertaining to watch". I said as i sat back down on the couch.


"Oh come on! Ive been at it for almost an hour and still nothing." I then got up and went inside. "Is everything good T"? I dusted my hands together saying "yeah everything's fine". He nodded sipping his tea saying "hmm... now tell me what actually going on".  He looks up at me with the emotionless face like back in school. It gave me shivers. "Okay okay". I said taking a seat on the couch. "Truth is lately I haven't been feeling myself".

"Ever since my powers were gone I've felt empty. Useless. Even worthless. I watch you go around and be a hero whiles i sit in the darkness on the sidelines.  Now that its gone I'm regretting the way I cherished it. Because now I realize how much a big role it played in my life. And now its gone.  And never coming back. I've tried many things to fill that void but nothing works. That feeling was irreplaceable."

He then came up to me and hug me tightly saying "Im not upset that your didn't tell me. Im upset for me not noticing."I leaned into him reminiscing on how my life was with it. "Come lets go out to eat". He said holding my hand pulling me out the house with him. We then got into the car and he started driving. I stared out the window to see all the decorations hanging for the upcoming holiday season. Soon we arrived at a Korean bbq joint.

"Oh" i said as we got out the car. As we got in I noticed that they're were alot of people inside. So I became more self conscious about my looks since I was just sitting in dirt a while ago. When we got out table we ordered right away. Not long after our meat and various broth and ramen were placed before us. I then picked up my chopsticks wrapping a thin pork slice into the hot boiling broth to cook whiles drifting off day dreaming.

"Is your hands bot burning? Shou asked. "Huh?" I replied snapping back to reality. "Well you have your hands over the steaming broth for so long it must be burning". I then looked to see i still have my meat and chopsticks in the broth. So i took it out and eat it. "I actually didn't feel anything hot". He sat there in disbelief looking at me." "Wait I can't feel anything?!" I then dared to do something really stupid. I point out my finger to touch the hotpotl but instantly pulled back after tapping it thinking I got burned. "Wait I still didn't feel anything". I said looking up at Sho.

We both sat and look at each other confused for the rest of the dinner and then we both finished and left. The ride home was quite quiet. "Can you roll down the windows please?" Without asking and hesitation he rolled them all the way down. Sitting sideways I laid my head outside the window and closed my eyes. "What are you doing! That's dangerous T".  He yelled at me.  I continued hanging my head out as we drive throughout the wind blowing.  I then closed my eyes and concentrate. "T could you seriously stop this?" He said obviously concerned.

"Ha...ha" I let out two loud laughs. "What your doing Toru?" He said steering with one hand pulling my hand with the other. I began laughing again with tears rolling down my face. "Have faith they said.....heh". Im laughing whiles crying. Sho then pulled aside to see what's going on. He got out the car fighting against the howling wind. And walked over to me. "It's back." I said continuing crying. I looked over to him to see he's still not understanding.


"Babe look at my hair" she said still hanging out the window. I looked down to see her hair is hanging straight down not moving at all. Then it finally hit me. The wind is blowing heavily but her hair isn't moving. I then pulled her out the car lifting her up hugging her whiles she's crying. "Is this a miracle?" I thought to myself. I then looked at her to see she's passed out.

I then opened the car door laying down the seat and resting her inside. "Geez T. You riled up yourself so much that you fainted on me."  I moved her hair off her face whiles she slept. I then continue the drive back home. " I love you T  . I love everything about you. We were complete opposite's at first. But you made me a better man. From the moment I saw you I know that your were trouble. And I wanted to be apart of it. I love you. One day I will make you my wife Toru".  I said rubbing her head whiles driving.

"I wanna be with you forever"

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