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"That man is so creepy". I said running down the halls to meet with Aizawa. "I hope he read what I said or else this would be a waste of time". I thought whiles running. Finally making it to his classroom I opened the door to see Ashley inside the class room speaking with him. "Hey Toru I just was talking about you." She said. Aizawa shot his eyes at me as I walked i and closed the door. "What were you talking about" I asked looking at her then at him with my arms cross. "Its nothing really I just figured since you don't need the extra classes anymore that Mr. Aizawa could help me train more since he has the time now". she said smiling and twirling back and forth. I turned and looked at him waiting to see his response. " Well uh im not sure. I'll have to check with the principle". He said. I turned to he feeling satisfied until she said " no need to I've already gotten permission from him so we can start tomorrow." she said flashing a letter at him. I yanked it out her hand to read it and at my surprise it was legit.

I looked up at the both of them and rested the paper onto his desk and walked out the room leaving them both there. "THAT FUCKING BITCH!" I said to myself as I stormed out the school building. "Calm down" I said inhaling and exhaling as I walked out of U.A gates. I was so mad that I didnt even waited for the bus I just walked for miles. My anger was through the roof. As i began walking I noticed the ground shaking. I immediately stopped to see everyone panicking thinking its an earthquake but it's actually my quirk loosing control. "Shit shit shit! Calm down calmdowncalmdowncalmdown". I repeated to myself to stop the ground from shaking. Immediately everything stopped and was back to normal. People started to stare figuring it was probably me that caused it. I just ignored and went on going home. Finally making it home I sat on the couch and said "why am I so upset? We aren't a thing. We haven't confirmed anything between us" I said as I began taking off my uniform shirt. "who am even kidding" I said tying back my hair. "I like the guy" I started smiling from those words.

Then my mind went on Ashely. "what's gotten into her lately? She's literally throwing herself at him. But why is she being so obvious with it? Does she know about us ? Does she wants him for self?". I thought moving from the couch to the bedroom. "I think she's trying to take him away from me". Suddenly flashbacks from Lina returned to me. Tears started rolling down my face as the pain of being alone again returned. "Why is everyone in my life is being taken away?" I asked myself. "Do I not deserve to be happy?". I thought. "No! I deserve to be happy and no one else I love is going to be removed from my life anymore. I'll fight to make sure if that. I said wiping away my own tears and started smirking. "If this love is a game then I'm surely going to play."

The next morning I took pleasure in doing my makeup and hair nicely, I even put back in the contacts. I then leave the house on time to be to early to school for once. As I was about to began my walk to school, Ashely came running out her house towards me as I was passing by. "Woah, you sure look nice today. Dressed for a special someone?" she asked. "I guess you can say that". Looking sideways at her I can see that her smile turn into a face of disgust. I was happy within myself. She then breaks the silence saying "You're walking pretty fast today. I cant catch up. I have to save all my energy for Mr. Aizawa later. You know the kind of man he is right". I annoyingly rolled my eyes saying "yeah he surely is sleepy and grumpy sometimes so be careful he might take out his frustration on you from the person keeping him up late at night draining all his energy." She felt threatening by those words because she yanked my arm and suddenly yelled. "THATS NOT TRUE" I stopped and look back at her. "well we're not sure why he's so sleepy and grumpy so lets not make assumptions about his personal life alright".

I turned away from her saying "okay your right... But I'm not assuming anything". I said looking back at her winking. She quickly ran in front of me stopping me saying "what do you mean? Do you know something I don't?" I just laughed it of saying "I'm only messing with ya" and continued walking away. Suddenly her phone started ringing. "I'll catch up with you late see ya at school". She said standing there whiles I walked off. As I reached to school all eyes were on me. Everyone was asking each other if I'm some new girl and it was honestly soo funny seeing them trying to figure me out. As I reach to class the bell rang and everyone ran in to take a seat. As I was about to sit down in my usual spot someone stopped me saying "Oh no that's Toru seat. She's kinda aggressive sometimes. I then said "Im sure Toru Honda wouldn't mind me sitting here. Noticing my voice she started to whisper to others saying that its actually me.

Mr. Hobo walked in saying "Good Morning class" and they all said good morning back. "Aren't you gonna say it back miss Toru he said looking me up and down". "Ugh fine. Good Morning Mr. Hatu". Suddenly the class started laughing. "Its Haru miss Honda". "Oh my bad I forgot it". He then proceeds on with class. And school went by as normal. And sooner or later the time has come and school was dismissed. Everyone went on their way home but oh not me not today. I thought as I made my way to the gym. Whiles walking there I pulled my hair into a high ponytail showing all my tattoos. Soon I've finally approached the gym. "No backing out now" I said as I burst through the gym doors to see Ashley and Mr. Aizawa about to start training.

"You wasn't about to start without me right?" I asked looking at both of them smirking deviously.

~~~lAshely Phone Conversation Earlier ~~~

A: Why do you suck so much? I literally put you in her path for one thing and you seem to cant do that right!"

H: Don't act like your doing any better than me. You cant even last a second with him.

A: Don't worry all that changes today.

H:Just get things back on track so we both can get what we want

Thanks for reading. More updates soon :)

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