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"Uh could you put this there and help me bring this over to him please? Thanks You now let me just go over here. Okay now you can go. Thanks a lot!". I said to the nurses. "AchooOooOo" I sneezed waking him up. "Surprise" I said doing jazz fingers in front of him. "TORU! YOUR OKAY!" I just laughed at him. He then looks around to see me out my bed in the wheelchair. "What are you doing? Your' re supposed to be resting you hav-" "shut up and eat something please" I said shoving the breakfast tray into him. As he took it he asked "wait when did you wake up?". I laughed and said I woke up an hour after the surgery 'Precious'". I said mocking the way he slide his hands over my face last night. "You were up when I did that? "Yeah" I said laughing. "so why didn't you say anything? I just shrugged my shoulders and said "I dunno". He started smiling and suddenly his smiled faded before saying "do you know" I picked up one of the breakfast muffin and began eating saying "yeah, that I'm basically quirk less and defenseless yeah I know." "Do you know the rest?" He asked. "yeah. I'm either gonna become powerful or turn into a monster and eventually gets killed by a hero. I do" "How do you feel"? Aizawa asked concerned. I took a next bite laughing saying " I' m absolutely terrified. But its inevitable".

I could tell that he's really sad about what happened. So I hold his hand saying "I dont blame you for what happen and I will never hate you either. So don't be so hard on yourself. Things could've been worst." I said smiling. "Okay Miss honda your free to go. Just sign theses few documents here". The nurse said walking into the room handing my papers. As I finished signing the leaving documents she reminded me that every Wednesday I must return for checkup until my quirk returns and then she left. "How and why did they release you so fast?" "It's nothing dont worry about it. Lets go now" I said brushing off the question. He then rests down the tray and got up pushing me out the hospital. "You sure this is a good idea". "Yeah I think its what's best for me. "Well your staying by my place until your better". "No I don't think that's necessary.

He suddenly stopped and walked in front of me saying "Your staying with me tonight". I was taken by surprise and didn't know wether to afraid  or turned on. "oOkay" I said looking away so he don't see me blushing. As we made it to his car and he sat he down inside he then realized that he left his wallet in my room and ran back to grab it.  Still in quite a shock from being kidnapped and shot I locked the door and curled up in the backseat waiting for his return.

Aizawa POV

"Ah here it is" I said grabbing it off Toru bed walking out the room. "Hey you're still here?" The nurse who took care of Toru asked. "Yeah I just ran back for my wallet." She just nodded and was about to walk away until I stopped her.  "Um this isn't really any of my business but how did she get released so fast. I've never seen someone with that kind of need got sent home so quickly. I'm just concerned for her that's all". She then pulled me on the said and said "well she kept on demanding to leave. She kept putting up a fight and insisted on leaving. She had tears down her face crying asking to leave as if she's scared or something. I think it may be childhood trauma. She looks like she battling something mentally that's really affecting her. Or she just didn't wanna stay I dunno. Just look after her" she said tapping my back as she walked away.

Toru's POV

"This place brings back the horrors of my youth. Where are you? I just want to leave." I said closing my eyes trying to think happy thoughts. Soon I see him approaching the car getting in. "Are you okay" he asked as he looked back at me in the seat. "Yeah I'm fine don't worry" I said with a cheerful like voice.
He then began driving to his place. It was a pretty quiet and awkward drive since nobody spake, so I decided to go to sleep for the remainder of the drive.

The car engine finally stopped. We've arrived.  He then gets the wheelchair from the trunk to put me in.  "This seems like so much work for you just let me use the crutches". He nonchalantly ignored my request and still lifts me into the chair and began pushing me into the house. "Whats up with him why do he look so sad and gloomy all of a sudden?"  I asked myself. "Are you hungry"? He asked sitting me next to the dinner table. "Uhm not really". He looks back at me fidgeting with my hospital clothing ad said "I'll make you some ramen".

This time I didn't even try to resist his offer because he'll just ignore me. So I sat and waited again. About 5 minutes later he was done and came to the table resting a bowl of ramen in front of me. "Thanks ig" I said whiles he sat opposite me just starring. As I picked up the chopsticks to begin eating he said "Toru" I then looked up to see what he's saying. "I cannot help you if you're not honest with me". I rest the chopsticks down in confusion. "What are you talking about?" "Why did you get released so fast? You just got shot twice, had a painful surgery and lost your quirk. Why is that?" 

I ignored him picking up the chopsticks and begin eating saying. "Why are you still on this? My answer remains the same". He then stood up slamming his hand on the table startling me saying "Why did you request to leave? Was someone bothering you? Were you not comfortable with your nurses?" The load of questions started to trigger me and I wanted to scream at him but I kept my composure and simply said "I didn't wanted to stay". Resting down my food.  He then yells "WHY?". Me still trying to keep calm said "that's nothing for you to worry about. What. Am i being interrogated for wanting to leave early? It's my choice okayy!" I said looking at him.

He sighs before saying. "Toru who are you really?"

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