Endurance Training

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All the agents are in the same training ground as yesterday. Everyone except Khai, Iman, Moon, Alicia and Ali looked at BoBoiBoy today's clothing.

Roza: Err..Thunderstorm?

Cyclone:* spin on his hoverboard* Nope! I'm not Thunderstorm but my name is Cyclone! I'm sorry if Thunderstorm was very rude to you last night. He's really like that.

All Agents:*dumbfounded*

Cyclone: Haha! Don't worry. I'm not as violent as Thunderstorm. Our training today will be fun!

Mika: So, what are we going to do today?

Cyclone: Hehe! Like Halilintar yesterday, you have to touch him, right?


Cyclone: Hihi! This time you have to chase me! Training to test your speed skills physically and mentally.

All: Yes ..

Cyclone: It is up to you if you want to team up or random, I don't mind.

Ali at the corner only watch with jealousy that other agents can train with Cyclone.

Ali: Aw....I want to join too ..

Cyclone:*notices Ali sitting at the corner*Ali! Come join us!*Goes near Ali*

Ali:* looks at his feet* But, I can't go with you to practice. You say it yourself.

Cyclone: Heh! Easy Peasy! Get on my hoverboard. You don't have to join them but you can stay with me! How's that sound?

Ali: Yes? Of course I want to!

Rudy:* looks annoyed* Heh, even with that injured ankle of yours you still want to burden other.

Cyclone:*heard ** hold fist ** forced smile*Rudy, I did say I wouldn't be angry like Thunderstorm, but that doesn't mean I won't be angry at all.

Cyclone helps Ali to sit on the hoverboard.

Cyclone: All right. If you hear the bell, that means someone has won, okay?


Cyclone: Okay Ali, hold me tight okay? It's time for you to start ..... NOW!

Cyclone sprints through the air and continued to disappear behind the forest trees, leaving the others coughing near the starting point.

Jet: Heh! I will definitely win this time!

Alicia: Iman, Moon, Khai. Come here.

Rudy: What do you want to do ?.

Alicia: It's teamwork. Mind yourself

Rudy click his tongue and he and the others began a mission to find Cyclone leaving the four of them in the middle of strategic planning.








With Ali and Taufan

Ali felt like he was about to lose his heart when Cyclone accelerated to the sky like that. He  don't know how Cyclone can stay on the hoverboard like that.

After a long spin, Cyclone finally stop at the end of the island with many large trees nearby.

Cyclone: Uwaaa !! It's fun! Aren't you having fun Ali?

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now