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As soon as Ali and Agent Bakar disappeared from view, BoBoiBoy sighed heavily.

BoBoiBoy: What else does he want?

A.Geetha:* pats BoBoiBoy's shoulder* Be patient BoBoiBoy..We know you don't want to meet him but he has urged the core leaders to take you there ..

BoBoiBoy: If he dares to mess with me-*clenches fists*

A.Karya: You can't hurt the leader,BoBoiBoy.

BoBoiBoy:* rolled eyes* I can and I will do it if he tells me to do something that I do not want to.

The remaining mentors just sighed heavily as they walked with BoBoiBoy to board the MATA jet to get to HQ.








Once there, the holo projector scans BoBoiBoy's body and keeps his mission suit attached to his body.

BoBoiBoy:*mumble* Stupid auto-sync.

He doesn't want to wear his old agent suit,but the auto-sync is still intact.

A.Leon: You know where to go.


Before the entrance is opened, BoBoiBoy turned his hat forward and pulled his hoodie up so that his face is not visible.

Many agents and scientists passing by are astonished and amazed to see the Super Young Agent who had not been seen for a while.

BoBoiBoy ignored all those looks and headed straight to the main room of HQ.

There, there are General Rama, Agent Dayang, Agent Zain and Agent Ganz in person.

BoBoiBoy continued to sit in the place provided for him.

A.Dayang: Good afternoon Elemental. How was your training with the other young agents?

BoBoiBoy:* bored voice* Hn..They are getting more skilled. A little mess,but they are learning.

A.Zain: Good to hear that. What about Ali?

BoBoiBoy: He-

BoBoiBoy's words were interrupted when someone else entered. Everyone in the room stood to greet him but BoBoiBoy did not.

He just leaned back while crossing his legs and his head rested on the palms of his hands.

Sassy bad boy.

...: Hn. You grown up well.

BoBoiBoy:*sassy voice*Yeah, time fly..*Still in sassy mode boi*

...:* smirk* Since everyone here, let's start our meeting.

BoBoiBoy:*secretly rolled eyes*(in mind) Haish, this will be long.





Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now