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When BoBoiBoy woke up the next day, Ali was still asleep next to him. He glanced at the clock that showed 6 am. Slowly he moved Ali away from him and sleepily walked to the kitchen. He was surprised because Dr. Ghazali was there drinking coffee.

BoBoiBoy: U-Uncle ... You woke up early today.

Dr. Ghazali:* smiles* I had to go to work early today. Are you feeling okay?

BoBoiBoy:*sit on a chair ** nods*

Dr. Ghazali: It's good to know that.

BoBoiBoy:* remembers his conversation yesterday with Ali* Uncle, Ali said his school will have a parents' meeting.

Dr. Ghazali: When?

BoBoiBoy: Er..Tomorrow?

Dr. Ghazali:* sighs* I can't go. That's why I woke up early to tell you this. I have to be outstation for a month. Starting tomorrow.

BoBoiBoy:* nods* Oh ...

D. Ghazali: Can you replace me? You've been staying here for a long time, haven't you? After all, I really trust that you can take care of Ali.

BoBoiBoy:* smile* Yes, uncle. No problem.

D. Ghazali: It's good to know that.I already prepared breakfast. Go take a shower first. Then please wake Ali up.

BoBoiBoy: Okay uncle.*stand up ** goes to the bathroom*




LeTime Skip ~




Ali woke up when he felt something cold touching his face. He opened his eyes and saw BoBoiBoy Ice poking his cheek with his iced hand.

Ali: What is it Ice? It's cold.

Ice: I'm surprised you woke up. Your father wants to have breakfast with us. Go take a shower first.

Ali:* surprised* Eh .... Dad doesn't go to work yet?

Ice:*yawns ** hugs the plushie whale that who knows where it came from*No. Get ready now before I sleep ..

Ali: Oh..okay.*stand up*

While Ali went to get ready, BoBoiBoy who was still in Ice mode went to sleep peacefully.




Time Skip ~




After Ali got ready with his school clothes, Ali went downstairs. Ice is still sleeping peacefully near the sofa with Comot. Dr. Ghazali was in the kitchen looking at his tablet. Ali took a deep breath before going to the kitchen.

Ali: Good morning dad ..*sits down*

Dr. Ghazali: Good morning Ali .. Ha, I have something to say.

Ali: What father?

Dr. Ghazali:* sigh* I will go for an outstation for a month. Starting  tomorrow

Ali: O-Oh ..* bows down* It's okay if it's like that. I have BoBoiBoy and my friends remember?

Dr. Ghazali:*looks at Ali ** sigh*Ali, I know you're sad. How about I take you and BoBoiBoy out after I done with the outstation?

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now