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BoBoiBoy: G-Guys! I-It's okay! I don't mind at all! No need to do this! Comot, what do I do?! They are going to get trouble for this!

Comot:* doesn't look surprised* Meow.

Okay, you want to know why BoBoiBoy is panicking like this? Okay, the reason is ...

All the young agents of MATA challenge the mentors to fight with them. Right now, they are at the training ground, with BoBoiBoy on the podium.

BoBoiBoy: Guys, you shouldn't do all this! I'm okay!

Ali: * wears IRIS * No, this is something we should do.

Alicia: After all, we want to show you, that we have  changed.

The mentors doesn't even look guilty.

A.Karya: Well, if that's what you all want, we agree.

A.Leon:*sigh ** head massage*This is all nonsense.

Moon: Well, we asked you to apologize to BoBoiBoy ? Why is that ridiculous?

BoBoiBoy: M-Mentor, no need-

A.Karya: It's okay BoBoiBoy. After all, we want to see their progress.

BoBoiBoy sighed slowly. All this is getting nonsense.

Ali: Are you all ready?

All young agents: Ready!

Ali: Formation A, attack!

Formation A, or the core of Kombat begins to attack. But they more of  attacking Agent Bakar.

A.Bakar: Hiyargh! You all shouldn't do all this stuff!

Mika: * blocks Agent Bakar's attack * But we're getting better, right? Thanks to BoBoiBoy. Iman!

With Mika still holding Agent Bakar's hand, Iman uses her weapon to attack.

A.Leon: What's all this-*trying to help Agent Bakar ** gun out of hand*

Roza:* blows bubblegum* Bullseye.

Apparently, the Neuro agents are ready.

Ali: Formation B, it's your turn!

Jet:* smirk* With pleasure. *start attack from the air*

Agent Leon begins to dodge attacks from Neuro agents. Agent Leon is a little difficult because he is one of the greatest.

Alicia: * use catapult to attack * Sorry for doing this, Agent Leon.

A.Leon: You all can-

Agent Leon didn't have time to finish talking, the ball from Alicia's catapult caught Agent Leon.

Alicia: * smirk * But we learned from the best.

While the Combat and Neuro cores are busy fighting their respective mentors, only Techno and Inviso remain.

Bulat: Wei, Ali! When do we strike?

Ali: Be patient! We are the last. Formation C, go!

Rudy:*smirk ** crack fingers*Ho ho I've been waiting a long time for now. Come on Zass, Moon!

Moon: Let's attack !!

Agent Karya began to dodge attacks from  Inviso agents.

Now, Agent Geetha and the Techno agents. The problem with Agent Geetha is that she can make their weapons not working with the mini electromagnetic waves in her hand.

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now