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Include today, it's been a week since BoBoiBoy was detained in the MATA infirmary and a week the young agents of MATA went on strike.

They did not come for training, did not come for missions and so on even though they were instructed by General Rama. The only reason they came to the Academy were to get together and talk to each other.

MATA can't do anything because the fault lies with them. They are the cause of all this happening.

And within a week, Ali and Comot went back and forth from home to the Academy only to visit BoBoiBoy to see if he is awake. Seriously, he was lonely and no BoBoiBoy means no fun.

Today, Ali is playing the game 'Detective Jebat' on his tablet at  BoBoiBoy's ward. Comot faithfully slept next to him.

Ali: * yawn * Sigh, when are you going to wake up BoBoiBoy? I am bored. *close tablet ** hold BoBoiBoy's hand ** lie head on bed*

Ali kept talking.

Ali: You know we all worry about you. You are terrible,you know? Why do you love making me feels horrible like this? What do I say to Uncle Amato if he comes back here later? Do I need to fight with Tok Aba later? * sniff* Why do you like to burden yourself so much?

Not long after, Ali could feel that BoBoiBoy's hand he is holding  moving a little, so he got up.

Ali: B-BoBoiBoy ..?

After a week of unconsciousness, BoBoiBoy finally opened his eyes slowly.

BoBoiBoy:* raspy voice* A-A-Ali ..?

Ali:* gasp* BoBoiBoy! You're awake!*Hug*

BoBoiBoy smiled a little before rubbing Ali's head with his other hand.

BoBoiBoy:* hoarse voice* I-I'm sorry ... I-Because I made you worried ...

Ali:* sniff* What do you want? I can take it for you..

BoBoiBoy:* removes breathing mask* W-Water please..

Ali quickly poured water into the glass that was available next to BoBoiBoy's bed.

Ali: Well, drink slowly.*Help BoBoiBoy*

BoBoiBoy:* light cough* Ha ... Thanks Ali ...

Ali: Your welcome...

BoBoiBoy: What really happened? I don't remember anything.

Ali:* soft chuckle* Of course you don't remember..You fainted for a week.

BoBoiBoy: Huh ?! I fainted for a week  ?! Uhuk² !!*cough*

Ali: * panic * E-Eh! Calm down BoBoiBoy!

BoBoiBoy: Argh..it hurts..I-I didn't aware for a week? What happened?

Ali lowered his gaze. His hands were clenched tightly.

BoBoiBoy: Ali ...?

Ali: You're ... overworked. You have an internal injury. Then you have a fever. The doctor had to put on a respirator because you can't breathe on your own.

BoBoiBoy is silent and listen to Ali explaining what had happened to him.

Ali bit his lip slowly. He was so upset with BoBoiBoy. He wants to hit BoBoiBoy. Because he doesn't take care of himself.

Ali is angry.

Ali turned his gaze to BoBoiBoy when he chuckled a little.

BoBoiBoy:* chuckle* I know ... You must be mad at me now, right?

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now