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Still at MATA HQ, the next morning. BoBoiBoy is still in the infirmary after an examination with a specialist doctor yesterday. After the examination, the doctor gave him painkillers and then he went to sleep.

Right now, he is texting Ali to inform him that he was at HQ now for his last discussion before he returns to the galaxy.

BoBoiBoy: *holds chest* Hope this is not serious...

He took the breakfast left on the table next to him and ate.

He was hungry from last night.

Not long after, the core leaders entered his ward.

A. Dayang; Good morning BoBoiBoy. How are you now?

BoBoiBoy: *drinks* It's not as bad as yesterday. Thank you for helping me. *bow*

E.Zain: It's not a problem BoBoiBoy. Now, we want to ask you.

BoBoiBoy: *gulp* A-Ask me..?

A.Zain: Since when do you feel sick?

BoBoiBoy: Err..a few days ago? At first I though it was a normal cough. I was told it would go away in a few days...But the longer I let it go, the worse it got.

A. Dayang: *sigh* BoBoiBoy, from what I got from the doctor who treated you, you are not sick at all.

Agent Dayang's statement made BoBoiBoy's blood freeze.


Then why did he cough until he bleeds?

BoBoiBoy: I....the test with the clinic I went to that day too..the result was the same...

A.Ganz: We don't even know what's wrong with you, dey. Did you eat something wrong?

BoBoiBoy looks worried...

How will he return back to Pulau Rintis later?

Tok Aba will notice something is wrong with his beloved one and only grandson.

If Tok Aba knew, then MATA will perished-

Hehe,joking.Please continue.

BoBoiBoy:What do I do now?I'm afraid if I just let this slide,it would get worse and might effect my superhero work.*pout*

A. Dayang: It's okay, we will try our best to check on your condition before your departure,BoBoiBoy.

A.Zain:Try not to get involved in extreme activities that you always do.

BoBoiBoy: *pout* Roger that...








Time Skip- MATA Academy




At the MATA Academy, all the young agents are preparing their set up. There are food, drinks, balloons-

Everything that you could find in a party.

Ali, when he woke up this morning, he was quite surprised because BoBoiBoy was not in his mattress. When he checked the phone, he found out that BoBoiBoy had left for MATA HQ early.

So, it's time for him and the other young agents to prepare everything at once.

Alicia:*move the balloon off the table*. Ali, are you sure BoBoiBoy isn't here?

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now