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When Ali opened his eyes, he is a bit confused on why he was in the health room.

Khai:* notices Ali is awake* Eh, Ali!

All: Ali!*Goes to Ali*

Iman: Are you okay?

Ali:* nods slowly* Arh..What happened? Why am I here?

Moon: You fainted earlier. Agent Geetha said because you are tired and very stressed.

Ali: I ... fainted?


Ali closed his eyes trying to remember what happened before he fainted.

Ali:* panic* BoBoiBoy?

Alicia: Calm down Ali. BoBoiBoy is ok. He is aware and is talking to the mentors about the appropriate punishment for the young agents later.

Ali:* breathes a sigh of relief* Thank goodness...

Not long after that, BoBoiBoy enters the health room with Agent Geetha.

BoBoiBoy: Good Agent Geetha. I'll tell you if there's anything happen.

E.Geetha: That's good. Rest  for now.You need a good enough rest.

BoBoiBoy: Okay.*Notices Ali*Eh, Ali! Are you awake? Thank goodness.. I'm worried when-Offh-!*get hugged by Ali*

Ali:* hugs BoBoiBoy tight* I'm glad that you are okay.* Release hug* I'm worried about you, you know?

BoBoiBoy;*smile ** pat Ali's head*Alah, I'm okay! I'm strong ~ Uhuk²!*Cough*

Ali:* pushes BoBoiBoy to bed* You have to rest. Ochobot once told me that if you have a fever, it's like you have a fever of seven people in one body. That's how bad your fever are.

BoBoiBoy:* lying on the bed* What are you talking about?

Ali:* mischiveous smile* Didn't you took care of me when I was sick? Now it's my turn to take care of you.

BoBoiBoy;* rolled eyes* Yeah right.

Ali:* covers BoBoiBoy's face with a blanket* Dah! Go to bed or I'll tell Yaya to deliver her biscuits here!

BoBoiBoy: Shut up.










Rudy and the others were suspended from Academy training for a week. At first the mentor wanted to fire them for intentionally injuring a best agent but when BoBoiBoy used his secret weapon, the Round Eye Thorn attack, they decided to just hang them.

Jet: It's all your fault Rudy! No wonder I got hanged!

Rudy: You want me to hit you too, huh ?!*grabs Jet's shirt*

Mika: Hey, that's enough! What do we do now?

Bulat: I don't want to get involved anymore.

Roza: Can't we think of another plan?

Bulat: Are you crazy? We almost got expelled from the Academy ?!

Roza: I heard his story that day. That BoBoiBoy can split into 7 and all seven fractions he has different powers and personalities that encompass his feelings.As we all know, Thunderstorms and Cyclone have a grumpy and cheerful nature.

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now