Sibling Time!

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MATA Academy

Ali began to open his eyes when he heard other voices being just as close to him.

He could see the white rooftop. And based on that, he knew he was at the Academy's infirmary.

What happen?

Ali began to lift his body to see who was speaking. All the mentors were nearby.

Ali:* hoarse voice* Uncle?

Listening to Ali's hoarse voice made all the mentors stop talking and look towards him. Agent Bakar remained by his side.

A.Bakar: Ali! Are you okay?

Ali:* nods slowly* What happened?

None of the mentors answered.

Ali:*sigh*forehead massage*I must go to Override again, right?

A.Geetha: Yes Ali. You don't remember anything else?

Ali:*shakes head*

A.Leon: What's the last thing you remember?

Ali closed his eyes to try to remember.

He remembers he went on a mission, there was Uno and he was on-

Ali:* jolted up* BoBoiBoy! W-Where is he? H-He's with Uno and that sword-*panic*

Agent Bakar quickly grabbed Ali's shoulder to wake him up from panic.

A.Bakar: Ali? Ali! Calm down! BoBoiBoy is okay!

Ali:* calm down* I-Is he okay? Where is he?

Agent Bakar didn't say anything, but looking aside made Ali follow suit.

In the bed next to him was BoBoiBoy. Not wearing a mission suit. Just long pants and a black armless shirt EYES. From there Ali could see that BoBoiBoy's arm was bandaged.

Ali: D-Did I...t-the one who-

A.Bakar: No Ali. He was injured during the fight with Uno.

Ali: H-How long have we been like this?

A.Karya: Since 5 hours ago. Now it's 2.30 in the morning.

A.Leon: Take a rest,Ali. You can see him in the morning.

Agent Bakar tried to lay Ali back but he didn't want to. He got off the bed and went near BoBoiBoy's bed.

A.Karya: Al-*gets stopped by Agent Bakar*

A.Bakar: It's okay. He's been like that since he was a child.

Since the bed is large, Ali climbed on the bed with BoBoiBoy.

When they were still little, they were always like this when one of them felt sad or uncomfortable.

Yes, cuddling cures everything.

Agent Bakar covered them both with a blanket before turning off the lights and all the mentors came out of the infirmary.





Timey Skippo ~






The next morning when BoBoiBoy woke up, he noticed that he was at the infirmary.

BoBoiBoy: Ergh ... It hurts ..... Eh?

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now