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The young agents are having fun times together. They laugh, play some games and so on.

BoBoiBoy just watched from the side. Even though he has been invited several times, he is only comfortable seeing the fun of the young agents playing like kids their age should play.

Another reason is his body has started to hurt again.

But he just smiled to cover it.It hurt like hell-

Oh, and eat.

After eating and playing, they all sat in a circle because they wanted to hear the story of BoBoiBoy during his time serving as an agent. He just told them random story of his missions because he fail to remember some of them.

He had a lot of mission during his time lol.

Moon: So, is this means that you can't come back here?

BoBoiBoy:I will if MATA contacted me. That or my agency gives me some holiday. *soft smile*

Mika: Dang,must have feel lonely after you go.You're a good boxing partner.

Roza:I know,right?You make training more challenging and fun. *chews bubblegum*

BoBoiBoy:*giggle* Haha...We have plenty of time.I'm sure I can manage.

Jet: Wow, Ali. You must be lonely when your 'beloved big brother' is gone right?No more free icecream~ *teasing*

Ali: *pout* I can buy it myself.

BoBoiBoy:*chuckle**rubs Ali's head* You guys have been practicing without me before. I'm sure you guys still have it. I don't know when will I be back,but I wish to see all of you to be the best Super Agents. Even greater than me.

Everyone laughed.

Ali: We will train harder until we become super agents, BoBoiBoy. *enthusiasm*

BoBoiBoy:*soft smile* It is good to have that high spirit. I-

The emergency alarm suddenly went off loudly making all the young agents and BoBoiBoy stand up.

What happened?!

All the young agents draw out  their weapons.

Iman: What happened?

Alicia: Concentrate. This may be an intrusion.

Not long after, the door of the training room opened and the mentors entered hurriedly.

BoBoiBoy: Sir, what happened? What's going on?

A.Leon: You guys, run the Fortress Protocol. BoBoiBoy, you are coming with us.

Without having the time to ask, BoBoiBoy's hand was pulled by Agent Leon.

Ali: BoBoiBoy!

BoBoiBoy: It's okay Ali! I'll see you back later! Everyone, run the Fortress Protocol!

With that, BoBoiBoy disappeared and the door closed.

A.Geetha: Everyone, please go to the arena to run the Fortress Protocol.

Agent Geetha escorted the young agents to the arena. After making sure all the young agents were there, Agent Geetha left the arena.

Ali: Err, Khai? What is the Fortress Protocol?

Alicia: You've never read a guidebook or what?

Ali: *rolled eyes*





In BoBoiBoy's situation, he  follows Agent Leon from behind.

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now