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Ali's rage immediately disappear. The other young agents distanced themselves from Ali because of the lightning sparks that appeared from his body.

The flash of lightning in Ali's hand turned into Lightning Sword.

Ali: L-Lightning Sword ..? But I can't-*let go of the Sword of Lightning ** start shivering*

His feelings are mixed right now.

Alicia: Ali, calm down.*Try to get close to Ali*

Ali:* stays away* N-No! Don't come close to me! I-I don't want to hurt you!

Suddenly, Ali remembered that he and Rudy had a fight earlier.

Ali: Rudy, I'm sorry! I-I shouldn't have said that-* shakes his head roughly* Argh-! What's wrong with me !?

The others became more worried seeing Ali's condition. The lightning did not stop radiating and Ali could not control his feelings.

Feeling overwhelm.

Iman and Moon ran to call a mentor and Ali back against the wall and hid his face.

Ali: I'm sorry..I'm sorry ...I didn't mean that..

Jet: Hey, what's with Ali?*Worried*

Alicia: Probably because of the fight with Rudy earlier. BoBoiBoy once told us that his powers reacted through his emotion,right? But he said no one could use it but him.

Soon, Iman and Moon returned with their mentors.

Mika: Where's BoBoiBoy?

Iman: He will be here in a moment. He told everyone not to get close to Ali because it is quite dangerous.

Agent Karya led all the other young agents to get out of the training room so that they would not be injured if anything happened.

A.Geetha: Ali, please calm down, okay? BoBoiBoy will be here soon.*Soft talk*

Ali: I-I'm sorry..I didn't know it would be like this..I can't control it ...*points to the hand that is now on fire*

A.Leon:* on guard* It's okay Ali. Try to focus to calm down first.

Ali tried to catch his breath and calm down, but then his body became very cold.

Ali:* panic* I CAN'T!

On cue, Agent Bakar and BoBoiBoy enter.BoBoiBoy is wearing his agent suit with Agent Bakar near behind him. As soon as he saw Ali, he ran towards him.

BoBoiBoy: Just as I though,you can't handle them...*opens safety lock*

As soon as BoBoiBoy's power watch slipped from his wrist, he immediately feel normal. Not cold, not angry and no feeling of overwhelm just now.

Ali:* body check* I felt fine..What did you do BoBoiBoy?

BoBoiBoy puts on his power watch again and helps Ali get up. Slowly, he gently rubbed Ali's head.

BoBoiBoy: You know my powers are related to feelings, right? What you were feeling was all my Elemental feelings.

Ali: Elemental feelings?

BoBoiBoy:*nods ** pulls Ali to sit on the chair*Each of my powers has a different nature. That's why you will feel angry, stressed, calm, happy and all that. They are triggered by your feelings and that is why you can't control it.

Ali:* nods* Ouh..like that...If that so then why did you tell me I can't use your powers?

BoBoiBoy:*sheepish smile ** rub Ali's head*Err..Hehehe ... I lied about it. I don't want you to activate my powers on purpose. Even myself sometimes lost it. *sweatdropped*

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now