Ejen Elemental

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One week later~
One week passed after the announcement and today Ali can't wait to go to the Academy.

He's so excited.

Ali:Hurm...How is this Ejen Elemental? I hope he is nice like Alicia!

Viktor at his side just watch in wonder of why his best friend smiles like an idiot.

Viktor:Wey,Ali? What's make you so happy today?

Ali:*startled* Hay?Err...N-Ni.I'm just happy because my cousin said he would give me present!Er..Hahaha! *awkward laugh*

Vikyor:Hum...Ok,ok!Good². *play game*

Time  Skip~

If Ali can,he would be cursing right now.He was late again to the Academy because Shaun and his friends threw his bag onto a tree. And in that bag has his identity stem. Took him a lot of time to get that bag.

Ali: Hope Ejen Elemental hasn't arrived yet!

Ali run into thr Academy and going straight to the meeting room because there is where the should gather when Ejen Elemental arrive to meet them.

Ali opens the door quickly.All eyes are on him.

Ali:Sorry I'm lat-Argh! *fall to the ground because Jet tripped him*

Jet: Hahaha!What a clown!You are embarrassing yourself in front of Ejen Elemental!

The others laugh and Ali did not get up because he's too embarrassed to do so.Someone is giving him a hand.

...: Are you alright?

Ali quickly get up.

Ali:I'm sorry! I'm late!I'm so sorry Ejen-*look up* B-BoBoiBoy?!

BoBoiBoy:*smile* Surprise!
Before that~

BoHoiBoy already packed his things to bring to the Academy.Commander gives him the affirmation since now there were no Power Sphere to be saved.

Tok Ab: Ha,take care.Don't be naughty okay!*pat BoBoiBoy's head*

BoBoiBoy:Hehehehe...I'm a good boy Tok Aba!

Ochobot:Ala BoBoiBoy...I want to join you...

BoBoiBoy: *pat Ochobot* I'm sorry Ochobot but you can't. You have to stay at TAPOPS in case they need you. Don't worry,I'll be alright.Again,Ali's there okay?

Tok Aba: Ha,take care.Give my regard to Ali too.

BoBoiBoy: Will do Tok Aba,send my regard to them.Tell them I'm sorry I didn't wait for them first.

Tok Aba,Ochobot: Okay.

BoBoiBoy: *sees MATA's private jet* Wow,they sent private jet to pick me?Ok Tok Aba,I'm going now. Assalamualaikum.

Tok Aba: Waalaikumsalam.

Tok Aba and Ochobot wave at BoBoiBoy the jet are not longer in their view.

In the jet,BoBoiBoy keep looking at his phone while holding his laughter because he can't wait to see Ali's reaction when he get to know that BoBoiBoy are Ejen Elemental all this time.

Past one week before,Ali was so excited telling him that a cool Super Ejen will come to the Academy to train them.BoBoiBoy just laughed and nodded.

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now