Agent Rizwan

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Back with BoBoiBoy, he was relieved because the morse message reached Ali,it was a pure luck Ali was activating IRIS.

BoBoiBoy:*relieved sigh* Lucky.*put on ATLAS*

Ehek, he's not a super agent for no reason lol.

By using the hair pin that he always pin in his hair. (Floffy hair it is), he can open the ATLAS section and use the lightning symbol on his suit to send the morse code to Ali.

How? Well, the lightning logo on his suit is not just a logo. There is a small storage of energy that he stores in the logo. So, with the resources available and the hair clips and the little energy he had, he created a small distraction so that his morse code message reached Ali. Since ATLAS does sync to IRIS.

(A/N: Do you know  the lighter that comes in all sorts of shapes? Ha, it's more or less like that)

BoBoiBoy: Hehe, I am Amato's independent son of course I am smart~ Fufufufu


Okay, now he already informed  Ali and he's on his way, hopefully with MATA. Now, he has to find a way to get out of Uno's headquarters.

BoBoiBoy: Okay ... now the way to get out of here ..

The place of the iron prison is kind of close to the prison. Only the prison at least has small windows. Not his cell though.

BoBoiBoy: Hm..How is it?

BoBoiBoy shook the iron bar a little. It is still strong despite the rust. , It is impossible for Uno to put him in such a simple prison. Uno knows that he has a way of time matches in the Academy first.

So he knows all of his tricks.

BoBoiBoy: Heh,I am not Amato's son and Aba's grandson if I can't get out of here.*Smirk*




Back with Ali.

He has moved far from where he started. He was able to find traces of ATLAS on BoBoiBoy even though his signal was a bit weak. It's 1 o'clock in the morning, and he's lost at the woods.

Ali:*sigh ** hugs himself because it's cold*I should have picked up my jacket first ..*looks around*

He was hesitant on if he should tell him Uncle about this. Because he knew, if MATA knew where he was now, they would have told Ali to go home.

As a stubborn boy, he doesn't want to.

After he was tired with pacing back and forth waiting for the signal, he finally decided to rest for a while. Tired.

Ali:* yawn* Where are you? Hm ..

The ATLAS signal from earlier flickered. It keep blinking.. That's what made Ali go astray in the forest.

Ali:*look at BoBoiBoy's power watch*..... Can I actually use his power?






Back with BoBoiBoy, he smiled cynically when his efforts to scrape the rusty iron bars were successful. Now, he can slip out of the cracks of the iron bars. Luckily he's small hehe.

BoBoiBoy:*relieved sigh ** look at his hands*Meh, worth it.

His hand was injured because he tried to scrape the iron bar with the stone he found. It hurt a little, but it was worth it.

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now