Training Time!

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The next morning, all the young female agents got up early and got ready. After taking a shower, they all did a light exercise near the front open area.

Moon:* stretches* Wow! Fresh morning atmosphere near here!

Iman: Hm, that's right.

Alicia:* stretches hand* But what are the other doesn't come down yet?

Mika: Hm,i don't know. Maybe BoBoiBoy have surprise for us.

Roza: I don't know, maybe.

Not long after, the female agent could feel the wind from above them and Cyclone is above them.

Cyclone:* goes down slowly* Hey girls, are you guys ready?


Cyclone:* smile* Good.* Remove the hoverboard* Come with me.

All the female agents followed Cyclone into the forest.

Alicia: Where are we going Cyclone?

Cyclone: Just follow me. You guys will love this.

Iman: Where are all the male agents?

Cyclone: * smirk * You will know it later.

Within a few minutes of their journey, they heard the roar of a waterfall close to them. Cyclone stopped and pointed to the waterfall.

Cyclone:You guys wondered where they are?Well,that's them.

All the female agents  laughing when they see all the male agents sitting under the waterfall. All of them sat in line with the waterfall roaring above them.

Roza: It's crazy. It's morning. It must be cold.

Alicia: What have they done?

Cyclone:*smirk ** cross armed* They disobey Quake's rule.

At the waterfall, Quake sat cross -legged on a high rock in front of the young agent. Thunderstorm with Solar are drinking coffee near the edge, Blaze, Ice with Thorn was still asleep.

Quake:* stern face* What's one thing I told you NOT to do?

All male agents: D-Don't leave the tent in n-night time.

Quake: And WHAT did you do?

All male agents: O-Out ..

Quake:*sigh ** look at his watch*I think that's enough.

Quake stand up and moved the ground that was being the seat of the male agents who were sentenced earlier so that the waterfall would not fall on them. Each of them shivered with cold.

Quake:* sigh*  You guys are lucky,you know? If I didn't feel like checking on you guys yesterday, you guys already dead.

All male agents: *silent in the cold *

Quake:*sigh ** rub the back of his head* You guys are lucky Tok Kasa was around yesterday.

Female agent: Tok Kasa ..?

Quake:* sigh* Thunder, wake Blaze up. Tell him to warm the boys and get ready.

Thunderstorm: On it,Quake.*go to wake Blaze*

Quake: Seriously, I just suspect only two but you too Ali? Haish ..*shakes head*

Ali:* shivers* S-S-Sorry Quake ..

Quake: No new 'Detective Jebat' game for you this month.

Ali: * pout * Okay ..

Quake:* lower the ground displacement*  Now, everyone. Go to Blaze for warm up and get ready.

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now