Sick in Mission

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Today's training is the same as before. They all train with their tools and then BoBoiBoy tells them to split into enough groups of all cores and then opponents need to get intel near the training field.

While on the training field, they did not really want to win to get intel. Because everyone is worried about BoBoiBoy.

Roza:* raises hand* Hey guys, blink. Did you guys noticed there is something wrong with BoBoiBoy?

Chris: I thought it just me. I noticed it too.

Mika: Yeah,it was so obvious.Usually he is radiating with energy to train with us.But now he look like he was run over by a truck.

Jet: Ali,he's your bro. Did you notice anything?

Ali: Are you crazy?Of course I noticed! He didn't even eat or sleep!

Bulat:How come?

Ali: You know he's a superhero, right?

All young agents: *nods *

Ali: So, he is always needed at the galaxy if there are evil aliens coming. But since he has a job here in Cyberraya,he had to split so that he can assist to both agency.

Roza: Doesn't splitting take a lot of his energy?

Ali: Yes I know. But ...* shakes his head* Argh! I don't know either! He doesn't want to tell me!

Rudy: If I'm not mistaken, before going to school earlier, I saw Thunderstorm with mentor walking near the General's meeting room.

Ali: Hm ..* thinking pose* This must be about the mission he went on earlier.

Chris: So,can it be he just sick?

Ali and the others nodded.

Rudy: Then why isn't he on leave?

Ali: He said he can't ..

Suddenly, a loudspeaker hidden near the field rang with two minutes left.

Moon: Whoops! We settle this exercise first,then we talk!

All: Okay!

All the young agents started competing like before to get the intel at the middle of the field.

BoBoiBoy, near the control room, is mumbling as he watched the young agent's match.

BoBoiBoy: Hm ... their abilities have increased..A good news for the core leaders ..*writes in tablet*Must enter data in report ..*mumble*

BoBoiBoy was busy mumbling while writing until he didn't realize that his mentor was calling him. When Agent Bakar turned his chair, he only realized.

BoBoiBoy: Eh, oh..Agent Bakar..What's wrong?

A.Bakar: Are you okay,BoBoiBoy?

BoBoiBoy: * nods slowly * Yeah, I am okay? Just looking back at this report. I need to hand it to core leaders after this....Oh,why did you call me?

A.Bakar: * unsure * They are done with their training.Rudy's group won this time.

BoBoiBoy: * stand up * Oh, huh? That's good...They are at the arena right?I should see them first...*wobbly walk out*

Agent Bakar just looked at the other mentors who were only able to shrug.

In the meeting room, all was quiet when BoBoiBoy stepped into the room.

BoBoiBoy: Hi guys..Congratulations because you guys manage today's training. You're getting better.

All the young agents looked at each other.

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now