To Rintis Island!

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Two days later, BoBoiBoy and Ali packed their things to take to Pulau Rintis. BoBoiBoy just bring some of his stuff.

Yeah, because he is going back to his village .

After getting ready and informing the Academy, they both went downstairs with their bags and  placed it by the door. Dr. Ghazali was in the kitchen with breakfast.

Dr. Ghazali: Ha, are you ready?

BoBoiBoy, Ali: Yeah.

De.Ghazali: We will go after breakfast. Did you already inform you grandpa,BoBoiBoy?

BoBoiBoy:* chews toast*  Already done it,uncle.

Ali: Hey dad,how long is your leave?

Dr. Ghazali: Three days .After that, I have to start working.

Ali:* eats bread* Ouh ... Okay!

BoBoiBoy:* still chewing toast* Hummm ..

After breakfast, BoBoiBoy and Ali loaded their belongings into the car while Dr. Ghazali locked the door.

Dr. Ghazali:* start the car engine* Ha, are you all ready?

BoBoiBoy, Ali: Yeah!

Dr. Ghazali: Okay let's go!

Dr. Ghazali  started their journey. In 45 minutes, they reached the Cyberraya Railway Station. Waiting for the train to arrive in half an hour, then the three of them boarded the train to go to Rintis Island.






LeTimeSkip ~!







A few hours later, the three of them arrived at the Rintis Island's trainstation. Pulau Rintis and Cyberraya were quite far and took a long time to reach.

As soon as the train stops, BoBoiBoy picks up the bag and wake Ali up.

BoBoiBoy: Weh Ali. Get up. We're here.

Ali:*sleepy mumble*Mow..... I woke up here ..*yawn ** squints*

BoBoiBoy shook his head slightly at Ali's behavior. He took Ali's bag and led him so that he would not hit any pole or trip over a chair.

Outside, Dr. Ghazali was waiting for them both.

Dr. Ghazali: Wha-? Sleep again?* Shakes his head* I already booked a taxi. Do you have the address?

BoBoiBoy: Oh yes.*Pocket pocket ** remove address*Well.

Dr. Ghazali: Ha,the taxi is here.

BoBoiBoy:* looks at Ali* Eh? Even standing up he can fall asleep? Is this boy alright?

BoBoiBoy had no choice but to piggyback Ali into the taxi.

Where did the bag go? Aha, he carried it once. How did BoBoiBoy do it? You think for yourself.

In half an hour's journey, they arrived at Tok Aba's house.

BoBoiBoy: Tok Aba is usually at the shop now so we can put things first then go there.

Ali:*just woke up ** rubs his eyes*Ha,we arrived already ... I want Hot Chocolate Tok Aba ...

BoBoiBoy:* puts all the bags close to the sofa* Ha, come on. Let's go.

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now