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Time skipped to the next day at the Academy, Ali spent his free time fixing the tools littered on his desk.

He didn't know why, but at 2.30 in the morning he woke up because he wanted to do something. Until now at 8 o'clock in the morning he did not sleep.

Why eyes ?? Why ??

Anyway, he was playing with his yoyo when the young agents arrived for training.

Moon: Ali! You are early today!

Ali:* spin yoyo* Nah, I slept here last night. My father is not home.

Alicia:* looks around* Have you seen BoBoiBoy?

Ali:* shakes head* Not yet. My uncle said he will pick him up before coming here.

Moon: Oh, I just remembered. * takes the container out of the bag* Well, Ali. I made extra yesterday. That chocolate cookies you like.

Ali:*excited ** blinking eyes*Wow! For me to? Thank you Moon!*open ** read Bismillah**eat*

Jet: Dude you look like you haven't eat for a month.

Ali:* mouth full of biscuits* Aww, I haven't eaten yet. * swallows* Oh, one more thing I upgraded your jetpack and gun. Machine lazergun. I bet you will like it.

Roza: What do you mean?

Ali: I woke up last night and got bored so I upgraded your suits. Give it a try. If you don't like it , I'll upgrade more.

Young agents look at each other.

What's wrong with Ali??

To confirm Ali's statement, Jet hesitantly turned on his jet and pressed the new button that was near his glove. His old shooter has been replaced with a new laser weapon.

Ali:* drinking water* Oh, if you want to shoot for a short time period, press the left hand button and if you want to shoot long and continuous the right hand button.

Jet does what Ali says and yes, his new weapon is indeed effective.

Jet: Fulamak! Crazy ! Did you make it yourself?

Ali:* nods* Ha'ah!* Sudden happiness** looks at the other* You guys try it too!

Others look at each other.

Moon: What did I upgrade Ali?

Ali: Ha! Try to clone yourself.*Giddy*

Moon follows Ali's instructions and incarnates a holographic clone of him.

Ali: Ha! You have a clone that will disappear if exposed to anything, right? I've upgraded your gloves so that the clones you make will be immune for 10 minutes! I got this idea when I looked at the way BoBoiBoy split up. Give it a try!

Iman touches Moon's clone and Ali's right.

It's not gone.

Moon: Wow! Great!*High-five with her clone*

Mika:* excited* Hey, what's my upgrade? Want to know too!

Ali smiled broadly before approaching Mika.

Ali: Ha, try to stand up and use your suit.

Mika followed what Ali told her, can't wait to know what to upgrade her.

Ali: You are strong. I wonder what I could do to upgrade to your suit. But then I noticed that you're a bit slow to chase people so I've upgraded your roller wheel so you can slide later!

Mika seemed interested in Ali's explanation. The others were the same.

Except for Rudy.

Mika: How do you activate it?

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now