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With BoBoiBoy

BoBoiBoy throws a bouncing ball to his bedroom wall out of boredom. No Power Sphere to be saved,no bad aliens to throw into the jail.

BoBoiBoy:Haih...I'm super bored...*take his phone* Aw man!I forgot Ali is in his school now...Pishhhhh...*rolling on his bed*

Suddenly, BoBoiBoy got a notification on his phone from the unknown.

Unknown number

Hello and good morning Agent Elemental.I am one of the mentor from MATA and with sincerely want to invite you to meet and train our new young agents batch.We need your skills to train them to become stronger.Please give us some notice if you were interested.Thank you.

BoBoiBoy:Humph...I know it's you Agent Leon.

BoBoiBoy continued rolling on his bed while thinking.

BoBoiBoy:If I go,my identity as Ejen Elemental will be discovered.But if I don't...*think about Ali* Hehehe....He would be surprise!

BoBoiBoy smiled thinking of a plan but then he remembered the young agents who made Ali cried.

BoBoiBoy:*devil smirk* One good change for me to teach them a lesson...
With Ali

Today,Ali was late going to the Academy because he was chased down by Shaun.

Ali slowly enters the Academy,ignoring the stabbing glares from his peers.

Jet:Wuu~The great IRIS ejen has arrived~

Roza:Just because you have the IRIS you can come whenever you want?*chewing bubblegum*

Mika:Heh,maybe he just lost.

All of the laughed but Ali just ignored them.

His late mother once taught him to keep calm even the world's against you.

When he lost in thought, there is someone giving him an icecream cup.


Alicia:*hold the icecream* I bought some extra for you.You like icecream,right?

Ali:*cute smile**take the icecream from Alicia* Thank you Alicia!

Alicia:*smile* Now,go enjoy your icecream.We'll meet at the meeting room.Mentor has announcement for us.

Ali:*ok sign* Okay!

Alicia smiles before she left Ali for him to enjoy his delicious icecream.

Ali:Wah!Alicia must be a psychic! How does she know I was craving for this icecream?

Ali quickly searching for a place he can eat his icecream.His happy aura radiating too much he didn't notice the pairs of eyes looking at him.

Jet:Ceh,what a stupid kid.

Roza:Eleh,you want that icecream too,right?

Jet:*pretend to look manly* Hah!I'm not a kid who love icecream anymore!

Mika:*magical icecream come out of nowhere* Oh,that's good.So I don't have to share this.

Jet:Hey!Give me some!
Time Skip~
Ali is eating his icecream happily alone in the cafeteria while listening to the music. Because he's too deep in eating,he did not notice the famous ' Porcupine Inviso' behind him.

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now