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Ali dodged the attack from Dos while trying to quickly get to the top. As soon as Ali arrived, he just closed the door and held it with the big box he found earlier. He could feel Dos kicking the door trying to open it.

When he reached the top, the signal is there and Ali kept pressing SOS on his communication device.

Ali: Hello? Hello! Emergency! Can anyone hear ?!

Not long after, Agent Bakar's voice replied.

A.Bakar: Ali ?! What are you doing there ?!

Ali: No time to explain! U-Uno is here!

A.Leon:Stay where you are! We're coming.

Ali nodded to himself before avoiding the danger that suddenly appeared from his side.

Looks like Dos has found a way out.

Ali took out his yoyo. Seis and Seite had just appeared. Maybe Dos met them and let go of the rope.

Dos: You are really troublesome,you know that?

Ali: Yes. I've known it many times.*Prevents the attack with the ball*

But due to three against one, he couldn't stop the attack.

Ali: Eishhh! Where are they-?!Argh! *got hit by the soccer ball*

Ali fell hard on the top of many boxes.

Luckily there is a retainer.

Dos:* remove the laser blade* Let me end MATA's suffering from having an agent like you.

Ali, who had just recovered from his fall, didn't have time to run, just froze in fear where he was.

But the blade didn't have time to hit him, there were other people blocking it.

Finally! Help has arrived!

Dos had to jump backwards to avoid the attack. Then, Agent Geetha help Ali to stand up.

A.Geetha: Are you ok Ali?

Ali:* head massage* Ergh ... I'm ok ..

A.Karya: You shouldn't be here.

Ali: Yes I know. But BoBoiBoy-Oh no BoBoiBoy! H-He's with Uno! *runs back to where he came from*

A.Bakar: Ali wait !!*blocks Seite's attack*

Ali scans using IRIS to find BoBoiBoy's location. The good news is, he found BoBoiBoy.

The bad news is, Uno and the others are close to him.

Ali:* speed up the run* Hope BoBoiBoy is okay.







With BoBoiBoy

BoBoiBoy once again deflected an attack from Ocho.

After he hid, they quickly came back to find him.

Maybe it's because he's dripping blood on the floor?

Because he could no longer wear gloves, he used his sword.

For those who don't know,Agent Elemental use swords ok? Ultimate.

Uno:Why are you still working under the core leaders order?? You know what they've done, right?*swing sword at BoBoiBoy*

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now