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BoBoiBoy: I have to agree,Agent Djin was a good person.

The atmosphere between them suddenly became quiet. Only the sound of the waves could be heard.

Rudy turned to BoBoiBoy who looked up at the stars in the sky.

Rudy: Did you just...agree with me?

BoBoiBoy: * soft chuckle * Rudy, I'm two years older than you, and I've studied with Agent Djin before you. I can't deny, he does have a good nature.

Rudy: So why don't you defend him? Why does everyone blame him? If you knew him, you must be backing him up. You will know why he's like that. *hugs knees*

BoBoiBoy chuckled a little and sipped some of his chocolate milk.

BoBoiBoy: Rudy, I'm a human, not a shaman. I don't know what he was thinking, and what he was feeling.

BoBoiBoy handed another cup of chocolate milk to Rudy, which this time, he accept it.

Rudy:* sips* Then why are you agreeing with me? Is this just a joke?

BoBoiBoy:* shakes his head*  Nah, I agree with you. At first, I was weird, why Agent Djin can be like that. When I trained with him, he was okay. Always praise my abilities and so on. Until one day ...

The swipe of BoBoiBoy's sentence made Rudy turn to look at him.

Rudy: What?

BoBoiBoy: * sigh * Agent Zain and Agent Djin quarrels. At that time I had just returned from a mission, so I went around  the training area and I heard their conversation.

Rudy:* interested* What are they talking about?

BoBoiBoy: Something about IRIS ...

BoBoiBoy's face turned gloomy when he touched the IRIS chapter. Rudy noticed that.

Rudy: Why about IRIS? Does that is MATA's greatest weapon that everyone would kill to try? Tch,unfortunately that stupid boy had it.

BoBoiBoy chuckled a little before throwing a sea rock just like Rudy.

BoBoiBoy: That is what you did not understand.

Rudy: What do I not understand?

BoBoiBoy: Mindset of all agents, IRIS is the best tool to carry out missions. But the fact is, IRIS is dangerous.

Rudy:* raises eyebrows* Danger? What's the danger of that kind of thing?

BoBoiBoy:* sigh* First of all, IRIS employs the wearer to function. If overused, the user's energy will be depleted. One more thing, if IRIS falls into the hands of the enemy, they can control all the technology around them. t can be harmful since Cyberraya is a city of technology.

Rudy:*nods ** sips* Then what does IRIS had to do with anything?

BoBoiBoy: Agent Djin changes the IRIS program code to be able to control the mainframe. You know that mainframe, right?

Rudy: *nods *

BoBoiBoy: That's what makes it dangerous. If it falls into Uno's hands now, he can destroy Cyberraya.

BoBoiBoy's explanation made Rudy feel divided. There is a part of him that wants to trust BoBoiBoy, but his feelings are still strong saying that Agent Djin is innocent.

Rudy: How can I believe you?*Unsure*

BoBoiBoy turned to Rudy.

BoBoiBoy:*soft chuckle ** shake his head*It's up to you whether you want to believe me or not. I can't force you. After all, you're closer to Agent Djin than I am.

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now