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Back again with BoBoiBoy and Cuatro at Uno headquarters.

BoBoiBoy: What do you want to do with that azurium?*Serious mood*

Cuatro:* looks worried* You think I want to do all this huh ?! I-I alraedy quit. I don't want to get involved with all this anymore! Uno forced me!

BoBoiBoy: Uno forced you?

Four: Yes! H-He knows I have a family! B-Because I have to do what he tells me to do!

BoBoiBoy took a deep breath with his hands still raised, a sign that he was okay with Cuatro.

BoBoiBoy: What did Uno tell you to do? Can I help to let you escape, uncle. But you have to tell me what Uno's plan is.*Soft talk*

Cuatro: How can I be sure you're not lying?

BoBoiBoy thought for a moment.

BoBoiBoy: Is MATA means anything to you?

Cuatro jolted a bit when BoBoiBoy mention about MATA.. Slowly, he nodded.

Cuatro: Y-Yes..I used to work there before Uno hired me as his weapon designer ...

BoBoiBoy:* comforting smile* I'm one of MATA's agent, my name is Elemental. I can guarantee your safety with your family if you tell me Uno's real plan.

Cuatro: Really? You're not lying?

BoBoiBoy:* smile* I promise.

Cuatro finally relented.

Cuatro: Fine, Uno bring me here to-

Cuatro didn't have time to talk until the end, the sound of the door opening surprised them both. BoBoiBoy didn't have time to turn around, he was attacked with a pressure point, making his body unable to move and fell to the floor.

Yep, Agent Rizwan found him.

A.Rizwan: I told you.. *opens the lollipop wrapper*You don't give me any other choice,Elemental..*looks at Cuatro*

Cuatro is trying to wake BoBoiBoy up, but his eyes were closed  and unconscious.

Cuatro: What are you doing Rizwan? He's just a boy!

A.Rizwan: I know.

Agent Rizwan removes Cuatro from BoBoiBoy and lifts his body.

A.Rizwan: I have to take him back to his cell now. This is not the right time for him to leave.

Cuatro: Are you crazy  Rizwan? This is not his place. He's too young to get involved with dirty things like this!

A.Rizwan:* sigh* I know. But if Uno knew that he escaped, wouldn't we all here to his victims?

Agent Rizwan's statement silenced Cuatro. That's exactly what Rizwan said.

But he feels sorry for Elemental. It seems that Elemental is still a teenager. He shouldn't be at a place like this.

Cuatro:*sigh*You have to take him out Rizwan.

A.Rizwan: I will try.

With that, Agent Rizwan left Cuatro's workspace and bringing BoBoiBoy with him.

Aw man! BoBoiBoy got captured again!

He has received instructions from Cinco to move BoBoiBoy to a new jail center. Considering the old prison he was able to escape easily. This time the prison is not an iron bar, but it is an empty room with a door with key.

...: Do you know that traitor will be severely punish?

Agent Rizwan stopped when he heard BoBoiBoy's voice . He looked at BoBoiBoy who is now conscious and his sharp eyes stared at Rizwan. He sighed.

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now