Core's Training

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All the young agents are only able to see with amazement when the people step out from the other side of the portal.After the portal is closed,BoBoiBoy introduced them.

BoBoiBoy: All right, let me introduce you, my teammates.

They all waved at BoBoiBoy's friends.

BoBoiBoy: All right, this is Yaya and Ying, the Lance Corporal of my troops.

Y, Y: Hi everyone!*Excited*

BoBoiBoy: This big guy right here is Gopal the cadet.

Gopal: Hm! I'm going teach them a lesson,BoBoiBoy!

Rudy:* silently* Ceh, please.

BoBoiBoy: All right, these are the two best captains in TAPOPS, Fang and the taller one, Captain Kaizo.

Fang: Ceh.

K.Kaizo: * two fingers salute * Yo.

Moon:* fangirling* HANDSOME!!

Others are only able to sweat dropped.

BoBoiBoy: Well, you all know each other's names, I'll explain your test for today.


BoBoiBoy: Today you will all be divided into your respective cores. And in each core there will be one of my team to watch over you. Understand everyone?

All: Understand BoBoiBoy. *nods*

BoBoiBoy: * smile * Now,split into your cores.

All the young agents began to split into their respective cores.

Khai:*whispers close to Ali*Well, let's hope we didn't get the mean face captain.

Ali:* whispers back* Yeah,he's scary.

BoBoiBoy: Okay good now you're divided into cores so listen carefully. Techno cores, you will be with Fang.

Fang:* roll eyes* I'll fail them.

C.Kaizo:* hits Fang's head* Shut up Pang.

BoBoiBoy: * sweatdropped * Okay, so Neuro's core will be with Ying and Gopal.

Ying: *applause *

Gopal:*laughs wickedly*

Roza:* whispers to the Neuro team* I'm not happy.

Jet: That's it.

BoBoiBoy: Okay moving on, Inviso core, you will be with Captain Kaizo. Supposedly, I want him to monitor Combat core but ...* smirk* I want him to 'teach' you the perfect way for stealth mode.

Moon: Am I the only one who saw his smirk while saying that?


Rudy:* roll eyes* No kidding.

C.Kaizo: Oi, I am not a thing to be shared.

BoBoiBoy: * giggle * Hehe..Sorry Captain. Okay lastly for the Combat core you will be with Yaya!

Yaya:*nods ** floating*Yes! I will teach you how to defend yourself and fight wisely!

Mika: * whispers near Iman * She looks like you.

Iman: *shrugs *

BoBoiBoy: Okay now you knew who are your monitors now you guys can follow them now to start your training.

Ali: * raises hand * BoBoiBoy?

BoBoiBoy: Yes Ali?

Ali: Which cores do you monitor?

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now