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The atmosphere in the factory was quiet. Only the sound of the machine could be heard. Ali, Alicia, Rudy and BoBoiBoy just looked at the two Uno members.

Alicia looked at Cinco with hatred.

Alicia: After everything that happened..You ... You still dare to show your face  here ?!

Cinco just smiled cynically.


Alicia start running to attack Cinco.

BoBoiBoy: Alicia! Wait!

Alicia continues to attack Cinco with her Blastique but her attack is blocked by Ocho. Ocho counterattacked. Alicia tried thinly using her marbles but to no avail. She was eventually thrown against the wall and lost consciousness.

Ali: Alicia!

Rudy: Cis! Hiargh-!

It is Rudy's turn to attack Ocho while BoBoiBoy went towards Alicia to check on her condition. The impact was a bit severe.

Rudy  able to dodge all of Ocho's attacks and  handcuff him. But he made a mistake and Ocho was able to hit him. The handcuffs on his hands disappeared due to the microbots.

Ali: Rudy!*Goes to attack Ocho*

BoBoiBoy: Ali, don't !!

Yoyo Ali hits Ocho's microbots shield, and immediately his yoyo is pulled. Ali tried to pull his yoyo back.

Ocho directs his microbots to trap Ali. But before he had time to trap Ali completely, BoBoiBoy attacked Ocho, causing Ocho's focus to be distracted and he began to focus on BoBoiBoy.

BoBoiBoy:* avoid attack* Ali! Run!

Ali took his yoyo and got out of Ocho's siege. He blocks one by one the microbots trying to approach BoBoiBoy.

Cinco:* annoyed* You two are really troublesome.

Cinco presses something in his tab and microbots start to appear more and more.

BoBoiBoy and Ali are more nimble dodging all attacks from Ocho. When all of Ocho's attacks can be stopped by them, Cinco orders Ocho to stop.

BoBoiBoy:* panting* You better just give up!

Cinco;* smirk* Heh, you can probably dodge all Ocho's attacks quickly ... But how fast are you to save your friends?

BoBoiBoy and Ali looking back. There was a large hand of microbots on top of Alicia. Rudy is nowhere to be seen.

Ali kept running towards Alicia.

BoBoiBoy: Ali!

Ali used his yoyo to hold the hand. But before the hand could touch him or Alicia, he had been pushed out of the attack.

Ali:Ouch ...* looks ahead* BoBoiBoy!

BoBoiBoy pushes Ali and Alicia out of the attack. But as a result, he was trapped when the nanobots began to form domes to trap him.

Ali: BoBoiBoy !!

BoBoiBoy:* tries to hold on* Ali run! Go get help!

Ali tries to strike back but his legs and arms are blocked by Ocho's microbots. The microbots also trap him just like BoBoiBoy. Ali sees something small fly towards him and disappear.

At the same time, his Uncle came to the rescue.

Ali: Uncle!

Agent Bakar cuts off all the microbots that are binding Ali's body and continues to move away from there. All mentors are there. Apparently, it was Comot who warned the mentors.

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now