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Today , entered the second week, there is still no news from BoBoiBoy. But Ali tried to think positive that everything is fine.

He asked mentors numerous time about BoBoiBoy but they always said the same thing.

Maybe the mission was a little difficult for him .

Alicia and the others try to distract his attention so that he doesn't worry too much about BoBoiBoy. Every time he goes on a mission with the others, sometimes he will look at his phone in case BoBoiBoy text him. But no text to be seen.

Now Ali is playing the game 'Detective Jebat' with Viktor online as it is a rainy day so Viktor can't come to his house.

Viktor: YES !! The new record of the conquest of General Tuah !!*happy*

Ali:*looks at the tab without feeling*

Viktor:* looks at sad Ali's face* Aiya Ali? What's your problem? From that day you seem to be gloomy. Are you bored?Wanna me find another game?

Ali:*startled*Eh, no! Hehe..S-Sorry Viktor. There are many things I'm thinking about right now ...*sad face*

Viktor: Is it about your big bro cousin?

Ali:*slowly nods*

Viktor: Well, didn't you say he had work to do at his hometown? He will come back here to see you again.

Ali: Yes, I know. But my heart doesn't feel good. He didn't message me at all, there was no news. I've been waiting for almost two weeks now ...*sad face again*

Viktor: Haiya, this spoiled child ...* applause* Wei, what  the last thing you remembered he told you?

Ali:* confused face* S-See you later?

Viktor: Ha, that means he will come back here to see you. As a man, he must keep his words-*drama Viktor incoming*

Viktor's voice is no longer heard when Ali began to daydream reminding BoBoiBoy's last sentence before he left on a mission.

'See you later!'

Yes, he doesn't have to worry so much. The one he was worrying about is the greatest galaxy superhero! Not only that, but the first and awesome Young Super Agent!

Slowly, Ali patted his own forehead, feeling bloated for a moment ..

Ali (in his mind): Ha'ah! Ouch ... How can I make this thing bother me? Isn't he a superhero? If he can defeat even the most dangerous alien, mission as simple as this won't even bother him!

Ali chuckled to himself before shaking his head slowly.

Viktor then finished with his masculine drama.

Ali:* giggle* Hehe ... Thank you Viktor for reminding me. I'm okay now.

Viktor: That's the spirit !! Eh, Ali! I'll call you later eh? My mom want to take me to the market first. Bye².


Ali: Hmm..Bye.*Closes game ** lying on the bed*

The heavy rain outside had already started to drizzle and the sunlight could still be seen.

Ali looked at the time on his phone. A few more hours before going to the Academy.

Ali: Humf ... Take a nap.*Swells face on the bed*




Hello hoomans ~ Remember meh?

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now