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G.Rama: We found that there was an attempt to break into the main power station in the East near the Perdana Building. The security system was able to get a picture of the intruder, but it was a bit vague.

BoBoiBoy: So?

A.Dayang: So, due to its proximity to the Perdana Building, it can be dangerous-

...: To me. So, I want you to bundle all those people and at the same time be my bodyguard.

BoBoiBoy:* turns the chair* Nope. Don't wanna. Not interested.

A.Zain: Elemental, wait a minute.

BoBoiBoy:* deep sigh* Listen here, I'm not an agent for MATA anymore. So it's irrelevant for me to do this mission and I have many more things to do so bye² and please give that mission to others.

BoBoiBoy got up to go to the exit but the voice of 'him' stopped BoBoiBoy.

...: You want me to separate IRIS from the boy you always care of?










MATA Academy

The situation is still intense in the briefing room.

After a few minutes of silence, General Rama finally sighed softly.

G.Rama: BoBoiBoy was given a mission to investigate the intrusion of a power station in the East near the Prime Building. Because the place is very close to our Mayor, MATA decided to send him to protect the Mayor.

Ali: But why did the station explode near the West?

A.Karya: We are not sure. In every report he gave, there was nothing that could be linked to this case.

Ali bowed when General Rama said that.

If it's like that ....

How can he be near the West?

A.Geetha: Ali?

Agent Geetha's call startled Ali out of his reverie.

Ali: Ya Agent Geetha?

A.Geetha: In all the BoBoiBoy reports, he left some videos for you.

Ali looked at Agent Geetha who went to the hologram table and downloaded the data into Ali's tab.

A.Geetha: Well. Everything he shared for you is in this tab.*Pulls the tab to Ali*

Ali took the tab and looked at it. The battery was about to run out so he had to wait to see it.

A.Leon: How about you go back to rest first Ali? If there is anything  about the development of BoBoiBoy later, we will tell you later.

Ali:*perks up* Really? No cheating?*hoping eyes*

A.Geetha:* smile* Yeah,of course Ali. We knew you're worried about him. Go back and rest first.

A.Bakar:* slaps Ali on the shoulder* Ha,let's go! I'll accompany you home

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now