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The next day at Ali's house, BoBoiBoy and Ali just spent their time hanging out at the living room while watching television and eating. Today BoBoiBoy is lazy to cook so he and Ali just ate cereal.

Ali: Fuh..It's boring ..

BoBoiBoy:* plays on phone* Same.

Ali: Is that so? Then why you did you cancel our training?

BoBoiBoy: I don't know,I felt tired.

Ali turned to BoBoiBoy who is now watching television.

Ali: Did you have a mission last night?

BoBoiBoy: Uh, no I'm not. I was just talking to the mentors. After all, I just came back after being kidnapped that day, right? They would be crazy if they send me back on mission.*sweatdropped*

Ali: Hm,I guess you are right.

BoBoiBoy: After all, there's nothing left for me to teach you all.

BoBoiBoy's statement made Ali turn to look at BoBoiBoy.

Ali: What ... do you mean?

BoBoiBoy: * looks at Ali * Well, did you forget what was the main reason I'm here? I'm here to train you to become better agents. And you all succeed.

BoBoiBoy takes out his tablet and hands it to Ali.

Ali took the BoBoiBoy tablet hesitantly. There are chart in the tablet about their progression and all of it reach green line.

BoBoiBoy: The green line shows that they have managed to achieve the performance that I expected. And more. *smile*

Ali is still pondering the data.

This means ...

Ali: You ... will go back to the galaxy again ..?

Ali's low voice made BoBoiBoy sigh a little.

BoBoiBoy: Yes. Because my contract with the Academy management is about to end. I will stay  here until your achievement exceeds my target ..*take the tablet from Ali*

BoBoiBoy closed the tablet again and looked at Ali. He smiled a little before gently rubbing Ali's head.

BoBoiBoy: And you've all succeeded.

Ali just looked down when BoBoiBoy gently rubbed his head.

BoBoiBoy is about to leave.

So he will live alone again ...

BoBoiBoy: Ali?

Ali looked at BoBoiBoy again with a grim face.

Ali: You ... will come back soon, right?

BoBoiBoy: * soft smile * I will try.If I get a break from TAPOPS again or the Academy calls me for a second session, maybe, I'll come back to see you. After all, aren't you my best bro? I will never leave you alone for a long time term,dummy.

Somehow Ali's eyes suddenly watered-

Ali hug BoBoiBoy, to which he reciprocated.

BoBoiBoy: Haha,I'm sure you will be alright,Ali.There,there.*pat Ali's head*

Ali: You too ... are my best bro..

BoBoiBoy chuckled slightly at Ali's behavior.

That's right, like a little boy.

BoBoiBoy: There,there Don't cry or else your eyebags will look like panda's eyes! *pinches Ali's cheek*

Ali:*pout ** pinches BoBoiBoy's cheek too* Let go-

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now