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Agent Zain's question was just left hanging silently.

BoBoiBoy just looked down at the blanket at his feet. BoBoiBoy's behavior makes Agent Zain suddenly feel worried.

A.Zain: BoBoiBoy? Are you okay?

BoBoiBoy just remained silent while playing with his fingers. His eyes were gloomy. When Agent Zain put his hand on his shoulder, he jolted slightly.

BoBoiBoy:*jerks ** looks at Agent Zain*Y-Yes? * rubs back of head* Sorry, I'm not focused ..

A.Zain: Are you okay?*Massage the back of BoBoiBoy's body*

BoBoiBoy: I ... don't remember.

A.Zain: What do you mean?

BoBoiBoy:* shakes his head* I don't know..I-I don't remember what happened three days ago. Last I remember..Err ..*holds head*

A.Zain: Don't force yourself to remember. It's ok.

BoBoiBoy:* head low* Sorry Agent Zain ..

Agent Zain just smiled a little before rubbing BoBoiBoy's head.

A.Zain: It's okay BoBoiBoy. Rest first. After you rest completely, you can return to the Academy. I'm sure, Ali and the other young agents can't wait for your presence there.*Comforting smile*

BoBoiBoy:* small smile* Okay sir.

Agent Zain gets up and leaves BoBoiBoy alone in his ward to rest. BoBoiBoy lies back on his bed.

BoBoiBoy:* head massage* Why don't I remember ..? What's wrong with me?




Time Skip :)




Back at Ali who was at the Academy, he just spent a short time in the Techno training room while waiting for the other agents to come in for training. He still hadn't told them that BoBoiBoy had been found.

Comot, (aka the one forgotten near in the bag) sleeps near Ali's side while Ali plays with his yoyo.

Because he was bored and hungry, he went out  to the cafeteria to buy food.

Ali:*yawn ** rub his eyes*Hoam..I have to sleep again after this ...*drink boxed milk*

Later, he came across other young agents.

Khai: Eh, Ali!*Waves ** go near Ali*Are you okay?

Ali:* yawn* I'm okay. It's all over.

Alicia:* smashes Ali's shoulder* You idiot troublemaker-

Ali:* wince* Er..heheh..Sorry.

Mika: Anyway, the way you speeding on BoBoiBoy's bike was super cool,dude!

Moon: Ha'ah! A lot of people are talking about that thing now!

Ali:* rubs his head* Hehe ...It particularly my fault for not seeing where we were going.

Roza: So, where is BoBoiBoy now? Mentor told us that you saved him.

Ali: He's at MATA's HQ. I don't know why but they say he would come tomorrow I guess.

Jet: Why do you look so relaxed? Usually you're the one who mess around here if anything happened to BoBoiBoy.*Laughs*

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now