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A quiet day at Ali's house. Clear skies, birds flying to find food, cars passing by, people jogging in the morning.

What could be wrong?


Yep, that's him.

BoBoiBoy was cooking breakfast at the kitchen. He ran up to Ali's room while carrying a spoon. Because that's what's in his hand before sprinting up..

BoBoiBoy: Ali ?! What happen?! Is there any enemy? Where-*sweatdropped*

BoBoiBoy patted his face hard when he saw Ali sitting close up on his bed with a tablet thrown close up on the floor.

BoBoiBoy:*sigh ** enter the room*What's wrong with you?*Picks up Ali's tablet*

Ali:* shivers* M-M-My game  c-crashed ...* cries* Huaaaa !!! That stage is so hard !! I was about to finish the last stage!!Now I have to restart it all over again !!*face on a pillow ** screams*

BoBoiBoy:* deep breath* Take a deep breath BoBoiBoy ... Be patient ... He's like your little brother ... Don't kill him ... Haaa ....* deep exhale* Is that the only reason why you were screaming just now?

Ali:*hugs pillow ** nods*

BoBoiBoy:*sigh ** keep Ali's tablet in his jacket*No games for you until noon.*Exit*

Ali: W-wait what ?! Not fair* Whine* BoBoiBoy !!

BoBoiBoy plugged in his headphones and played the song loudly so he will not hear Ali's fussing and continued cooking.




Smooth like Butter ~

Like a Criminal Undercover ~

Time skipped to a few songs later, after they had finished eating breakfast, Ali sat in the living room with a dissatisfied face doing Math exercises in a book while BoBoiBoy is lifting weights .

Ali:* bored* Do I need to do all this stuff? It is school holiday now!

BoBoiBoy:* still lifting weights* If you feel like lifting this , then try stop doing it.

Ali:* pout* Pure evil.

BoBoiBoy:*put the weight on the floor ** stretch his body* body is a little relieved. *lies next to Ali**looks at phone*

Ali: What do we want to do today BoBoiBoy?

BoBoiBoy: Hm ...* looks at phone* Do you want to go with me on a mission?

Ali:* shines* Mission ?! With you? Of course! I've been waiting for a long time!

BoBoiBoy:*smirk ** stand up* If you manage to finish the questions for a whole page you can come with me.Now, I want to go and take a shower.

Ali: * whine * Alaaa BoBoiBoy !!

BoBoiBoy chuckled before running upstairs leaving Ali alone.






Time Skip from BabyAli.




Because your cute author has run out of ideas and there are no funds to continue, this scene is taken to the MATA Academy.

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now