Fun Slide

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Everyone fell in silence.

Blaze: Uh..hello? I asked who wants to start first?

Ali: You ... are you sure this thing is safe?

Jet: Do we have to?

Solar: Don't worry. Thorn already prepared glider for all of you.

Thorn:* lift the glider* Tadaa ~! Thorn made it for everyone!

Rudy: You do realise ... this can cause injury and you can be sued if we are injured because of you?

Thunderstorm:*rolled eyes ** cross armed*Huh, please. You go on mission, it's more dangerous than that slide.

Bulat: I'm not kidding !!!

Mika: I ... I don't think I'll go up, I'm willing to sleep here.


Khai: I-I'm acrophobic! 

Quake and the others were just sweatdropped.

Quake:* sigh* I don't want to do this. But because you're so stubborn ...

All young agents:*gulp*

Quake:* strict voice+face* I have no choice but to fail all of you..

All young agents: HAH ?!

Quake:* cross armed* Yep, you heard me. You didn't go up the slide, you failed. You won't be qualified as a legal agent and have to re -train until you pass all the exams.

Jet: H-How can that be!

Solar:* smirk* We can literally do anything. And, even your license as a young agent can be revoked.

Khai: W-What now..?

Quake: Think of the ice slide as your test.

The young agent just sighed with a heavy feeling. All of them take the glider that Thorn made.

Jet: What now?

Thunderstorm: Ok, you sit in a row. Mika, you need to be at the back so we can assist you if anything happen.

Mika: You said this kind of thing that can involve your life ..*sweatdropped*

Cyclone: Meh, not really. If you are very heavy, the ice can crack, then you must fall, you must be smart to guess what happen next.

Cyclone you cheeky-

Ice:* applause* Oi oi..Hurry up I'm sleepy already ... I don't get paid enough for this...

Blaze:*excited ** jumping around*Hurry up! I'm hungry! Hurry up! Hurry up!

Young agents can only sigh before lining up and sitting down.

Thorn:* join sitting at the front* Yay! Come on! Come on! We're going!!*excited*

Ali:*sit at the back of Thorn*I'm not sure I want to do this thing ..*look down*

Khai:* near Ali's back* For the sake of the test, just go.

Their arrangement now, all the male agents are at the front, with Blaze, Ice and Thorn while Solar, a.k.a our flashlight moves near the middle separating the young male agents with the young female agents.Quake, Thunderstorm and Cyclone are near the back.

Solar:Why do I have to be the flashlight..?I'm handsome-

Rudy:* cross armed* Is that it now? What do you want to do?

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now