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At the place where illegal weapons were sold, Abang Bear was still rummaging through the weapons he wanted to buy.

M3: Boss, look at that.

A.Bear: Huh?

Abang Bear stopped turning the weapon and looked at the place he was pointing at.

There was someone in an orange suit walking in the spotlight with both hands in the air and his accomplice was near the back with a gun.

M1: Boss,he eavesdropping about our sale and purchase.

M2: Sit down fast!

M2 kicks the back of BoBoiBoy's knee causing him to fall seated. His face was covered by the shadow of his hat.

A.Bear: Huh? What are kid like you doing here,huh?!

Abang Bear walks up to BoBoiBoy with a weapon in his hand.

A.Bear: Eh, boy! I'm talking to you, insolent brat!

BoBoiBoy still remains where he is. Abang Bear used the tip of the weapon to lift BoBoiBoy's head to face him, but due to BoBoiBoy's low hat, his face was blocked by the shadow of his hat.

But Abang Bear can see a very familiar emblem on BoBoiBoy's suit.

A.Bear: Wait..This symbol ..

Abang Bear couldn't finish talking anymore. BoBoiBoy jumped, hit his knee on Abang Bear's stomach and continued to jump up on the container and disappeared like a ninja.

A.Bear: Argh !! How dare he-! Find that boy NOW!

His men immediately follow his instructions and began to split up to find BoBoiBoy. Some were riding motorcycles and some were patrolling near the bottom.

BoBoiBoy kept running over the container to avoid being caught.

BoBoiBoy: Silly me ... How can I be so careless?

The sound of a powerful motor engine are still speeding behind him.

BoBoiBoy: * mumble * I have to stop them first ..

BoBoiBoy uses his aeroboost shoes to jump to a high place, with one swipe, he uses his sword to split the container in two, making the motorists unable to chase him.

BoBoiBoy:* panting* That will hold them for a while. I have to think of a solution ... Argh ...

BoBoiBoy kept running until he found a container with the door open. He slide in and close the door before the motorized gang passed him.

BoBoiBoy:*panting hard ** coughing*Argh, my chest hurts.*Look at the mission holographic*Ha ... I have to be quick..

He opened the door slowly and looked around to make sure no one else was tracking him.

But before he could continue his mission, he was shot with a stun gun.

BoBoiBoy: Ack-!*Falls*

M1: Fuyoo! Right to his back! You are awesome bro!

M2: Heh, I'm expert bro! Now,get down there and tie him!

The two motorcycle gang members descended from the container towards BoBoiBoy who was weak and unconscious.

M2:* pushes BoBoiBoy's body using his feet* Well, boy? Run like a sprinter.

M1:* tie BoBoiBoy* Dah, let's take him to see the boss!




Oh no! BoBoiBoy got caught!




Abang Bear was still rummaging through the weapon in his hand before his buddy threw BoBoiBoy to the ground near him.

A.Bear: Hm..Good job.*Walk near BoBoiBoy ** lift BoBoiBoy's head up*Hoi boy! Who sent you,huh?

But BoBoiBoy kept his face down, making Abang Bear angry.

A.Bear: Woi boy!When I ask,you answer it,dammit!

BoBoiBoy:*low voice ** mumble*

Abang Bear became angry with BoBoiBoy who did not respond.

A.Bear: Eish! That's it-!*Swings the gun on his hand*

BoBoiBoy closed his eyes to withstand the impact of the gun.

Long awaited, but no pain. BoBoiBoy dared to open his eyes.

Abang Bear's hand was wrapped by something that made his attack did not hit BoBoiBoy.

BoBoiBoy:* soft chuckle* Haha ... Haih...these kids...

Behind Abang Bear,  Ali and his other friends stood on the container. Ali's yoyo wrapped Abang Bear's hand so that it wouldn't hit BoBoiBoy.

A.Bear: Huh ?! You think you are the only one who got backup? Manage them!

As soon as they got a cue from Abang Bear, his henchmen appeared with weapons. In two dozen henchmen? Yes, bad people are not playing fair.

A.Bear:* pulls BoBoiBoy's body as a human-shield* Heh, think can you handle my henchmen?

Ali: If it is only me, maybe. But together,we all can!

On cue, all the young agents show up and surround them.

Roza: * blows bubblegum * You have a lot of opponents, you can talk.

Jet: Let's fight us!

With that, there is a match between Abang Bear's sidekick and the young agents. Ali jumps down from where he is to save BoBoiBoy.

Ali:* spins yoyo* Let go of him!

A.Bear: Heh.* Pulls BoBoiBoy* Try me.

Alicia  pull Ali's hand away.

Alicia: Don't make a reckless decision Ali! There must be something happened if he can capture BoBoiBoy!

Ali: B-But ..

Khai: We focus first to catch them. BoBoiBoy is strong he can last for a while.

Iman: But don't look away from him!

Ali; Ish ....

Ali watched Abang Bear while the other young agents were still fighting with his henchmen. But over time, they were all captured by the young agents.

BoBoiBoy:* soft chuckle* Haha ... They has succeeded ..

A.Bear:* painfully pulls BoBoiBoy* Just shut up.You are the cause of this,brat!

After Zass tied up Abang Bear's last buddy, all their attention turned to Abang Bear.

Ali: It's game over for you! Give up now!

Abang Bear looked around to find a way out. But young agents surrounded him. Preventing him from escaping.

A.Bear:*suddenly takes out a knife ** put it near BoBoiBoy's neck* If anyone of you dare to come closer I'll slice his head off!

Roza: Cis, he's so close to BoBoiBoy I can't shoot.

Ali: Don't hurt him!

A.Bear: Hah! If you want him to be safe,back away and let me go.

All young agents: Er ....







~ TBC ~

Author Kim_Ezra

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now