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In the cafeteria where all the agents on duty were having breakfast, at the end of the cafeteria's table BoBoiBoy and Ali enjoyed their breakfast.

It is rare to see Agent Elemental without his suit casually eating his breakfast and look so relax.

Based on the old rumor,if you saw Agent Elemental is relaxing...


Run for your life if you still want to live.

Because Elemental would drag you into random sparring.

And honestly speaking, that's the most brutal MATA's training ever.

Haha, lol.Back to story.

BoBoiBoy drink his teh tarik  and looking at the tablet while Ali is still enjoying his favorite nasi lemak tempoyak udang.

BoBoiBoy: Ali?

Ali:* mouth full* Hmm?

BoBoiBoy:*think ** deep breath* Want to accompany me fixing my gloves?

Ali:* blinking eyes*  Really?! Of course!

BoBoiBoy:*chuckle*If that's the case, finish your breakfast. Sigh, I still wonder how can you swallow that.*Shudder*

Ali: Nyop! This is my precious!

BoBoiBoy:* roll eyes* Precious, finish quickly. I want to finish my work quickly. Then, I want to continue training.

Ali: Okay! *continue eating*






Time Skip by Dattebayo!





Ali: BoBoiBoy? Where are we going? I've never seen this path before?

BoBoiBoy: Alas, just come along.

After they finished breakfast, Ali thought they will  go to the Techno training room but then BoBoiBoy turned to the other side.

BoBoiBoy: Like you, I also have a private room in Academy.. But I have ... err ... a little sidelined.*Sweatdrooped ** scratches cheek*

Ali: Why?

BoBoiBoy: Well, when I was still an agent I liked to experiment and ... err ... there was a time when my experiments exploded.

Ali: Well, isn't that normal?

BoBoiBoy: Almost a quarter of the Academy was broken.

Ali: Ohh ...

BoBoiBoy: * take keycard * Blame my father for telling me to make that blaster.

BoBoiBoy scans his keycard and the door opens.

Ali looked around. BoBoiBoy's room was the same as the other young agent's room here, only bigger and with more tools.

BoBoiBoy: * opens the glove prototype * Sorry my room looks a bit cluttered. I'm lazy to tidy up.

Ali:*sits in front of BoBoiBoy So, when you're not  at home,you will be here then?

BoBoiBoy: Depends on my mood.

Ali kept watching BoBoiBoy make his new gloves. A long time later he remembered what he wanted to ask BoBoiBoy.

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now