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As soon as Agent Zain disappeared into the Academy, Ali joined his other friends to confront the remaining Numerous.

All defense drones and robots have been destroyed.

Alicia; We have to take apart BoBoiBoy's power watch now before he activate his powers unconsiously.

Ali: Awhh...I still can't access IRIS. What do I do?

Rudy then come to interrupt.

Rudy; Sit aside if that's the case. Called it. You are hopeless without IRIS. *roll eyes*  Bulat, let's go.

Ali; *pout* I can! *pulls out yoyo*

Rudy and Bulat attack Seis and Seite while the others are still fighting Trez, Doz and BoBoiBoy.

Where is Aaron?

The useless evil old man has been knocked out early.

Serve him right-.

Ali and Alicia had to fight with BoBoiBoy.

Ali: BoBoiBoy! You have to stop! Woah-! *avoid BoBoiBoy's attack*

Alicia: Tch- He's so fast! I can't hit him with gravity marbles.

Ali:*block BoBoiBoy's attack* Ha, I have an idea! Mika! Iman! Zass! Come here!

They immediately finish off their opponent before going to Ali.

Mika: What's up??

Ali: I need your help to get BoBoiBoy's power watch.

Iman: What's your plan?

Ali: Me and Alicia will attack simultaneously. Mika,Iman, I need you both to hold BoBoiBoy's hands from moving and Zass,you take him down.

Iman, Mika and Zass nodded and began to be in their respective positions.

Ali and Alicia attack BoBoiBoy at the same time but BoBoiBoy manages to dodge. He was able to catch Ali's yoyo and split Alicia's marbles at the same time.

Alicia: Tch- Dang it! We have to find another way!

Mika use the opportunity to attack BoBoiBoy physically. She is able to punch BoBoiBoy hard making him take a few steps back, holding his stomach.

BoBoiBoy coughed hard after being punched by Mika, and they all saw that he is coughing blood.

Ali: *panic+angry* Mika! I told you to hold him, not kill him!

Mika: How do I know! I'm sorry okay?!

Seeing the opportunity, Iman used her scarf to tie one of BoBoiBoy's hands and Mika pulled the other.

Zass uses the belt Ali gave him and pulls out a long rope to bind BoBoiBoy's legs making him kneel.

Without wasting time, Alicia proceeded to take off BoBoiBoy's power watch.

Alicia: Ali, catch!

Alicia throws BoBoiBoy's power watch at Ali and dodges when BoBoiBoy gets back to his feet.

He yanked her hands from Iman's bonds and kicked Mika away from her.

Ali wears a BoBoiBoy power watch.

At least one less problem.

Mika and Iman are still fighting with BoBoiBoy, where they have difficulty because BoBoiBoy is too fast. He managed to throw Iman to the side and split one of Mika's mecha arms.

She's lucky the sword didn't slice her arms off-

With his attention distracted, Alicia casts a gravity ball to restrain BoBoiBoy.

Agent Elemental(BoBoiBoy&Ejen Ali) [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now