You Meet His Friends

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(Remember how I said in my very important A/N back at the beginning that none of my boyfriend scenarios are going to be exactly the same? Everyone who’s reading more than one of my stories is about to find out what I meant. It’s kind of hard to explain without boring you all to death, so I’m just going to let you read on and figure it out. Trust me, you’ll get it.)

You and Kai hang out all the time now. In fact, Kai has asked you to meet his friends.

Kai pulls up to the arcade where you usually meet on a red motorcycle with golden flame decals. “Jealous?” he asks with a smirk. “My friend Jay helped everybody put together some tricked-out motorcycles.”

You smirk back at him. “Nice paint job, but how does it run?”

“Hop on and find out,” Kai tells you with a sneaky grin in his face.

You get on behind Kai and wrap your arms around his waist. “All, right,” you tease, “Let’s see what this bucket of bolts can dOOOOOOOO—” your question turns into excited screaming as Kai peels out of the parking lot and roars out of Ninjago City. He drives for about fifteen minutes before a big building comes into view.

“Whoa,” you say. “That place looks awesome. You live there?”

“You better believe it,” Kai looks over his shoulder at you. “Hang on!”

Kai skids to a halt in front of the door. You fall off of his bike, then stand up and stagger around a little bit. After all the bumping and hanging on for dear life, your legs feel like jelly.

“Y/n…are you okay?” Kai asks.

“Fine,” you tell him. “No thanks to your driving. You should give rides at amusement parks—the line would be a mile long!”

Kai shakes his head at you and opens the door. You gesture for him to go first. “Age before beauty.”

“Can’t argue with that,” Kai mutters ruefully.

Kai leads you through the monastery, introducing you to Lloyd and Zane (in the living room, playing video games) and Cole (cooking dinner in the kitchen).

Kai makes a face as he leads you upstairs to look for more of his friends. “Remind me to get you out of here before dinner tonight.”

You look at him, confused. “How come?”

“Trust me on this,” Kai sighs. “Cole is the worst cook in the universe. Let’s see if Jay’s in his room.”

Kai opens a door and you see a ninja in a blue gi…kissing a girl with short black hair. They’re sitting on the bed in the otherwise messy room, and neither one of them seems to notice you and Kai. You look over at Kai and see that his face is about the same color as his gi.

“JAY!!” Kai yells.

‘Jay’ looks at you and Kai guiltily and slams the door shut.

You double over laughing. “Who was that?” you gasp between giggles.

“That was my sister, Nya, and Jay, who also happens to be her boyfriend,” Kai says with a scowl on his face. “And it’s not funny!”

“You should’ve seen yourself…” you wheeze. You somehow manage to get your giggles under control and straighten up.

Jay walks out of his room. “Not cool, dude! Who’s this?” he adds, looking at you.

Kai looks too angry to talk right now, so you shake Jay’s hand. “Hi, I’m y/n. Kai was just showing me around.”

Nya walks out of Jay’s room as well, looking a little flustered. “Now look who’s talking,” she teases, jogging Kai with her elbow. “Aren’t you the one who always gets irritated about your sibling spending time with their friend?”

“Shut up,” Kai manages. “Besides, I was just showing y/n around. You and Jay were the ones…“

He gestures helplessly and trails off, as if unwilling to finish his sentence.

Nya laughs. “That’s my brother.” 

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