You Get Jealous

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You and Kai are having lunch at your favorite casual restaurant. Kai is complaining about how long the food is taking to get there while you try to convince him to tell you about the big idea he mentioned a few days ago.

Eventually, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom. When you come out, you're surprised to see a girl about your age sitting in your booth next to Kai. Kai says something, and the girl giggles and rubs his shoulder with hers. 

"Oh, no you don't," you mutter, storming in their direction. You come to a stop in front of the two and put your hands on your hips. "Do you mind?"

"Excuse me," the girl says. "I was here first."

"Excuse me," you reply, your face red from anger. "That's my boyfriend you're making goo-goo eyes at."

The girl looks at Kai, and then at the look on your face. "Um, wow, look at the time, I've really got to go. Bye!" She gives Kai an awkward wave and walks off as quickly as possible without being obvious about it.

"What's the deal, Kai?" you demand as soon as she's out of earshot.

"What deal?" Kai asks. "You're the one who's being all jealous."

You consider lying, then decide against it. "Why would I not be jealous? You were flirting with her!"

"I was? Oh. Whoops. Sorry, y/n. Force of habit," Kai says sheepishly. "If I promise not to do it again, will you forgive me?"

"Cross your heart and hope to die and you've got a deal," you say.

Kai puts one hand in the air, the other over his heart, stands up straight, and, using his most serious voice, says, "I solemnly swear that if you forgive me, I will never flirt with any girl except you ever again."

You fold your arms. "You forgot, 'cross my heart and hope to die.'"

"Cross my heart and hope to die, I promise, I promise!" Kai repeats quickly.

You try to look stern, but you can't look at Kai without laughing. "All right, I forgive you! Now sit down, you look like a dork."

Kai snorts and sits down. "If I wanted to do a Jay impression, I would be doing a whole lot better than that."

"You're dorky even when you're not doing a Jay impression," you tease.

"Ah! You wound me!" Kai leans back in his seat and puts one hand over his heart.

You clamp both hands over your mouth to keep from laughing out loud. "You...are such...a dork!"

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