Your First Date

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You look over at b/f/n. “I can’t do this!”

B/f/n shakes her head. “You can and you will, y/n. Aren’t you the brave one? If I can go through with my date, so can you.”

You take a deep breath. “Okay. How do I look?”

“Gorgeous,” b/f/n promises. “Trust me, y/n, you’ll be fine.”

You’re wearing a sleeveless, knee-length red dress with strappy red heels and dangly golden heart earrings. Your hair is pulled away from the sides of your face and hanging down in the back.

“Okay,” you say, taking a deep breath. “Wish me luck!”

You hop out of b/f/n’s car and walk up to the monastery doors. You ring the doorbell and wait.

A few seconds later, Cole opens the door. “Kai!” he yells over his shoulder. “Your date’s here!”

“What! Why didn’t you tell me?” Kai sprints down the stairs and comes to a stop.

“Whoa, y/n,” he says. “You look…”

“Slightly better than normal?” you tease. “Same to you.”

Kai looks down at the tuxedo he’s wearing and blushes. “I was going to say ‘fantastic.’”

You nudge Kai with your elbow and link your arm through his. “Let’s go, Hothead.”

You and Kai eat a nice dinner at (favorite restaurant) and end up arguing about who’s going to pay.

“I asked you out,” you say firmly. “It’s my job to pay for dinner.”

“Yeah, but I’m the guy, and I bought the movie tickets,” Kai protests. “Dinner’s on me.”

“No way, Hothead,” you say. “You bought the movie tickets.”

The poor waiter just stares at the two of you until you finally agree to let Kai pay for dinner.

“But the next date’s on me,” you tell him as you both stand up from the table. “By the way, what movie are we seeing?”

“The Princess Bride,” Kai replies.

“Funny,” you say with a grin. “I wouldn’t have pegged you as a romantic movie kind of guy.”

“And it’s going to stay that way,” Kai says with a grin. “Haven’t you ever seen it? There’s swordfights, adventure, kidnappings, evil plots, revenge—”

“Miracles, true love…” you tease.

Kai grins at you. “I’m still in it for the adventure.”

“Uh-huh. You keep telling yourself that. It’s all about the romance.”

“Well, maybe a little…” Kai blushes.

You grin and jog him with your elbow. “Knew it.”

You take your seats in the theater and watch as the movie begins. Before long, Kai uses the old ‘yawn and put his arm around your shoulders’ trick. You pretend not to notice and hold his hand in the popcorn.

Kai covers his eyes and pretends to be grossed out during the romantic scenes, but you can tell he’s enjoying it. You snuggle against him during the fight scenes and the Fire Swamp, and you both giggle when Fezzik annoys Vizzini ("Anybody want a peanut?").

Finally, the movie’s over, and Kai drives you home.

“Thanks for a great date,” you say, kissing him on the cheek.

Kai’s face goes red. “N-no problem. Let’s do it again sometime.” Then he zooms off down the street. 

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