You Fight

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You're sleeping over at b/f/n's house. B/f/n invited you over to sleep at her place because your parents were fighting with each other again.

You walk in with your sleeping bag and toothbrush and look around b/f/n's bedroom. "Maybe I should just live here," you joke. "I spend enough time here..."

B/f/n sighs. "Your parents are gonna figure things out eventually, y/n," she promises. "You've just gotta be patient."

"Patience was never my thing," you remind her.

B/f/n rolls her eyes. "How could I forget?"

You and b/f/n are both startled by tapping at b/f/n's window. B/f/n peeks out and shrieks in surprise.

"Y/n..." she gasps. "There's somebody outside my window!"

You look out the window as well. It's too dark to see the person's face, but you know who it is. You turn around and wink at b/f/n. "Watch this."

As soon as the person outside starts tapping the window again, you yank the window open, grab his wrist and pull, sending him sprawling onto b/f/n's floor.

"Hey!" Kai protests, sitting up. "What was that for?"

"That," you say, folding your arms, "was for almost giving my friend a heart attack. B/f/n, this is my boyfriend, Kai. Kai, this is b/f/n."

"Wait," b/f/n frowns. "I could barely even see him. How did you know it was your friend?"

You grin and point at Kai's head. "I'd know this crazy hair anywhere."

"Y/n, my hair isn't crazy, or weird, or anything else you've called it!" Kai protests.

"It looks like there's a hedgehog on your head," you tell him.

"Well, that's your opinion!"

B/f/n throws her hands up. "Okay, okay, I have a few questions."

You look over at b/f/n. "Go ahead."

"First of all, will you guys please stop arguing? And second, why is Kai Smith outside my window in the middle of the night?"

You look at Kai. "I was just wondering the same thing myself."

"Um...I followed you," Kai says, his face turning pink.

"From my house?"

Kai's face darkens to the color of his ninja gi. "Actually...I followed you from your school this afternoon."

You throw your hands up in exasperation. "And why did you do that? Were you expecting me to tell my mom, 'he followed me home, can I keep him'?"

"I was worried about you," Kai snaps. "You mentioned that your parents are fighting a lot, and I wanted to make sure you were okay."

You're secretly flattered-after all, who wouldn't want their ninja boyfriend looking out for them?-but you fold your arms and glare at Kai. "That's just creepy. And for your information, I can take care of myself."

"Oh, yeah," Kai snaps sarcastically. "You're doing such a great job. You're hiding at your friend's house like a coward. That's really taking care of yourself."

"Oh, shut up," you shout at Kai. "You're the one who doesn't have anything better to do than follow me around all day. That's not even cowardly-it's just pathetic!"

"You're pathetic," Kai yells back. "It's no wonder nobody wants to be friends with you!"

You grab the thing closest to you-your CD-and throw it at Kai as hard as you can. "Get out!"

Kai stands still, looking stunned. There's a cut on his forehead from where the CD case hit him. "What?"

"You heard me!" you shout at him. "Get out, right now!"

Kai slowly walks over to the window. "Fine," he says slowly. "Fine." He climbs out through b/f/n's window and drops out of sight.

You stick your head out the window and scream, "And don't come back!" Then you slam the window shut, collapse on b/f/n's bed, and burst into tears.

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