Back to the Monastery

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"Hello?" you call as you walk through the front door of the monastery. "Is any-?"

A high-pitched shriek cuts you off, and them b/f/n slams into you and starts hugging you. "Y/n! You're okay! I was so worried!"

"Um, b/f/n? Can't breathe?" you gasp. The other ninja scramble into the hallway, and you point at b/f/n and make a help motion. Kai and Lloyd help to extricate you from b/f/n's embrace.

B/f/n holds you at arm's length. "How did you escape, y/n? And why is your hair singed?" she adds with a suspicious glare at Kai.

"Well, the escape was going fine, until someone set the building on fire," you say. The others all glare at Kai.

"It was her idea!" Kai protests, spreading his hands.

You sigh and facepalm. "I said 'start a small fire', not 'burn the building down'! I was almost barbequed!"

Kai's face goes pink from embarrassment. "Lighten up, y/n! We didn't get killed or anything, so obviously it was a good idea."

"Define 'good.'"

Kai goes even redder. "We're alive, shut up."

You glance over at the others and shrug helplessly.

B/f/n glares at Kai and clenches her hands into fists. "You almost got my best gal pal killed? Seriously, that's it."

"What's it?" Kai asks.

"You, me, training room, now," b/f/n scowls, jabbing Kai with her finger to emphasize her point.

Lloyd steps between b/f/n and Kai, pushing them apart. "Okay, you two. Nobody died, it's the middle of the night, and we're all tired. Can we have a truce now? Please?"

Kai and b/f/n both stare at Lloyd, then at each other. Finally, b/f/n sighs and folds her arms. "Fine. But you're not off the hook, hothead." She turns around and walks away, with Lloyd scrambling after her. You can hear them talking as they head up the stairs.

You glance at Kai. "You don't think...?"

Kai shrugs. "I wouldn't be surprised."

"These things are rarely logical," Zane agrees.

"What?" Jay asks. "What are you guys talking about?"

Cole grins at him. "Don't worry, you'll figure it out."

Nya giggles. "This is great!"

"Okay, seriously, what are you guys talking about?" Jay demands. Everyone ignores him.

You yawn. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I've had a long day. I'm going to bed."

"Yeah," Cole agrees.

"Me, too," Kai says.

Nya covers a yawn and stretches. "Good idea."

"I will also power down for the night," Zane says as the rest of you start up the stairs.

Jay is left behind, staring dumbfoundedly around the room. "What am I missing here?!" he demands.

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