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You tiptoe into Kai's room, stifling a few giggles at how cute he looks when he's asleep. "Kai," you whisper, poking his shoulder. Kai mumbles something in his sleep, but doesn't move.

"Kaaaiiii..." you say, a little louder. You shake his shoulder gently.

"Go 'way, Sensei," he mumbles, rolling over. "Iz not time for training yet...iz still dar' out..."

You straighten up and put your hands on your hips. "You're lucky I'm not Sensei. I'd be pulling out the gong right now. But Lloyd's coming through with noisemakers in a minute, so I suggest you get up."

"Whose idea was it to let Lloyd wake people up?" Kai asks, sounding a bit more awake.

"His," you say, ruffling a hand through Kai's spiky hair. "I thought he always did this on Christmas."

Kai jerks underneath the covers. "Wait, it's Christmas? Why didn't you say so? Be down in five."

You leave Kai alone so he can get dressed and make your way down to the living room. After a few minutes, you hear the sounds of Lloyd waking the others up with his noisemakers and sleepy ninja begin stumbling downstairs.

"Morning!" you greet them cheerfully. That earns you more than one glare.

"Let's just do presents, okay?" b/f/n yawns. "Where's your boyfriend?" B/f/n still isn't getting along with Kai, but at least she ignores him now instead of hurling insults whenever he gets within earshot.

"Getting dressed. He'll be down in a minute," you say, picking up a spare noisemaker from the coffee table.

Lloyd walks into the room, a slightly annoyed look on his face. "Who woke Kai up already?"

"I did!" You blow the noisemaker in Lloyd's direction. "Merry Christmas!"

"Aw, be quiet, y/n," Lloyd says, rolling his eyes. "Noise and mayhem is my job, remember?"

You step closer and blow the same noisemaker. "Wrong, my friend."

Kai chuckles from the doorway. "If you two are done, maybe we can get this party started?"

"Okay, I'll go first!" you reach under the Christmas tree and pull out a plain blue box tied with a f/c ribbon.

"Who is this from?" you ask, examining the box. The label stuck to the lid says it's for you, but there's no name.

"Open it and find out," Jay suggests.

Cautiously, you pull the ribbon off. So far so good. You lift the lid and—

Bang! Streamers and confetti shoot into the air before drifting back down on everyone. You yelp and accidentally throw the box into Kai's face.

Kai rubs his nose. "Ow, y/n! What is it with you and throwing things at me?"

"That one was an accident, I swear!" you say, holding your hands up. "It's just that someone-" you glare at Lloyd, who is laughing so hard he's crying "-scared the living daylights out of me."

Lloyd finally calms down enough to say something. "Your faces!" he gasps between giggles. "That was epic!"

B/f/n grins while the others either facepalm or turn to glare at Lloyd. "Merry Christmas, everybody."

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