When You Like Each Other

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You’re hanging out with (best friend’s name) at the mall. She’s the only person who knows about Kai. Right now, she’s trying to help you pick out a present—his birthday is coming up.

“I have no clue what to get!” you moan. No new video games have come out lately, and every other present idea you’ve thought of is already taken by someone else.

B/f/n looks at you. “You really what to get him the perfect present?”

“Yeah,” you tell her. “But I can’t think of anything!”

“Why don’t you ask him out?”

You stare at b/f/n. “Are you crazy? No way!” If you really want to admit it to yourself, lately you’ve been starting to think of Kai as more than a friend. But you have no idea if he feels the same, and you don’t want to ruin your friendship.

B/f/n sighs. “You can’t lie to me, y/n. You’re head-over-heels for him.”

“But…” you protest.

“Trust me. If he likes you half as much as you like him, he’ll be thrilled.”

“You’re not going to leave me alone until I agree to ask him, aren’t you?” you sigh.

B/f/n grins at you. “Nope.”

“Fine,” you sigh. “I’ll ask him out…if you agree to ask (friend’s crush’s name) to the school dance.”

Sure enough, b/f/n blushes and stutters, “But…but…”

You grin at b/f/n, relishing your victory. “I’ve seen you two staring at each other. Ask him.” You see f/c/n sitting in the food court with some of his friends. “There he is now!”

B/f/n hesitates, and you give her a little push toward the food court. “Go on…unless you don’t want me to ask Kai out.”

B/f/n gives you a dirty look. Then she walks over to the food court and talks to f/c/n for a minute before walking back over to you.

“Well?” you ask.

“He said yes!” she shrieks, giving you a huge hug and attracting stares from passerby.

“B/f/n…can’t breathe…” you gasp. When b/f/n lets go, you point toward the food court. “Looks like you’re not the only one who’s thrilled.” F/c/n and his friends are jumping up and down and exchanging high fives.

B/f/n grins at you. “Come on. I need a new dress for the dance. And don’t forget, you’re on the hook for Kai’s birthday.”

“Darn,” you mutter as b/f/n drags you into the nearest store. “I was hoping you’d forget about that…”

Kai’s POV

“Kai! Pay attention!” Sensei hits me with his staff for the fifth time today.

“He’s thinking about his girlfriend,” Jay says with a grin. He’s been trying to get back at me ever since I caught him kissing Nya while I was showing y/n around the monastery. Like that’s my fault! If he caught me kissing his sister, he’d be mad too! Well, if he had a sister…

“She’s not my girlfriend!” I protest. I pull my ninja hood on, but it’s too late. Everyone else can see that I’m blushing. 

Cole stops practicing against a training dummy and grins at me. “Uh-huh. That’s why you won’t stop talking about her, and you can’t concentrate on anything, and Sensei has to keep telling you to pay attention—ow!” Sensei hits him over the head, too.

“Ha, serves you right,” I laugh. “And for the last time, I don’t have a crush on y/n!”

“I do not believe that that is true,” Zane says thoughtfully. “You are blushing, stuttering, losing your focus, performing clumsy actions when y/n is around…those are the symptoms of a ‘crush,’ are they not?”

“Oh, you’ve got it bad,” Lloyd teases.

“You should talk,” I snap. “You don’t even like girls! You’re twelve years old!”

“Not biologically!”

Nya joins in. “I really like y/n,” she says. “It would be pretty cool to have an excuse for her to hang around here more often…”

“You’re all hopeless.” I throw my hands up and walk out of the training room.

Alright, it’s true, I’ve been thinking about y/n a lot lately. I really like her, maybe even in a more than friends kind of way. I love arguing with her, I love hearing her laugh, I love everything about her. Just being around her makes me feel better.

My friends won’t stop teasing me about liking y/n. I keep telling them we’re just friends, but I secretly hope that what they’re saying is true. My birthday’s coming up…it would be really cool if y/n asked me out. I’d ask her out, but I’m really scared that she doesn’t like me back. If my friends found out about that, I’d never hear the end of it.

I’ve decided. I’m going to wait until after my birthday—it’s only a week—and then I’m going to ask y/n out. At least the others won’t be able to tease me anymore

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