He Meets Your Parents

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Kai drives you home from the prom and drops you off on your doorstep.

"Thanks for being a good sport about prom," you tell him.

"Hey, what are boyfriends for?" Kai asks with a grin. "But you owe me one."

You roll your eyes in mock irritation. "Of course I do."

Kai chuckles. "You're cute when you pretend to be mad."

"Please, you'll make my head swell." You lean in and kiss Kai.

In an impeccable display of the world's worst timing, your mom chooses that moment to open the front door. "Y/n, where have you been?"

"Prom," you reply shortly. "And do you mind?"

"What is this?" your dad demands.

You sigh. "(Mom's name), (dad's name), this is my boyfriend, Kai."

Your mom looks pretty happy, but your dad scowls. "How long has this been going on?"

"What does that matter?" m/n demands. "You should be thrilled! Y/n has never been serious with a boy before!"

Your dad scowls. "This is ridiculous. If I had my way-"

"Oh, shut up, d/n," your mom snaps. "If you had your way, y/n wouldn't ever leave her room!"

You throw your hands up and look at Kai.

Kai raises his eyebrows. "I take back everything I ever said about your parents fighting being no big deal."

"You never said anything about that," you tell him.

"Oh. Whoops. Well, I was thinking it."

You punch Kai's arm. "Not cool."

Your dad takes enough time away from arguing with your mom to turn to you. "Y/n, go to your room. We'll talk about this later."

You fold your arms. "In case you haven't noticed, Dad, I'm not five years old anymore."

"Listen to your daughter, d/n," your mom says angrily.

"In case you're all forgetting, I am the head of this household, and I will make the decisions around here!" you dad shouts. "Go to your room, y/n! And you, whatever your name is, I don't want to catch you with my daughter ever again, is that clear?"

Kai looks at you and shrugs. "I guess I'll be going. See you around, y/n."

You shrug. "See you, Kai."

Kai backs away from your parents and drives away. You watch him go, then turn and glare at your dad.

"I hope you're happy." You turn and head inside. "I'm going to my room. Don't bother trying to come after me."

As you walk into your room and slam the door, you can already hear your parents screaming at each other.

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