Escape Attempt {Part II}

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You finally finish sawing through the ropes tying you to the chair and stand up. You step over your dad and peek through the door. The door opens into a hallway which is (thankfully) empty. Peeking out further, you see another room at one end and a set of stairs at the other.

Trying not to make any noise, you open the door and tiptoe toward the stairs. You stop at the bottom and look up. The last thing you need is to go blundering into a stone warrior and end up right back where you started.

You don't see any of them here, either, which you guess makes sense. Most of the stone warriors would probably be on guard duty to make sure Kai can't come rescue you. You tiptoe up the stairs and through the building, making sure to check around corners first so you don't accidentally run into any stone warriors.

Finally, you find a door leading to the outside with just one stone warrior guarding it. You grab the heaviest thing you can find—a floor lamp—and hit him over the head with it as hard as you can. Instead of being knocked out, the warrior grunts angrily and turns around to look at you. You look at the lamp in your hands, which is now bent out of shape.

"Um, hi," you say, looking from the angry stone warrior to the bent lamp. You try to hold it behind your back, which doesn't really work because it's taller than you. "This looks kind of bad, doesn't it?"

The stone warrior yells something at you. You're not sure exactly what it is, but it definitely isn't friendly. You drop the lamp and run.

You hear more angry shouts from stone warriors as you run through the building, including General Kozu. "Don't let her escape!" he yells. "We need her alive!"

You zip around a corner and skid to a stop when you see General Kozu in front of you. "Um...hi," you say, glancing over your shoulder. The stone warrior behind you is going to come around the corner any second. You're stuck.

Well, almost stuck. General Kozu charges toward you, and you wait until the last second before sprinting up a flight of stairs to your right. You can hear the sound of the two stone warriors colliding behind you and falling over, but you don't slow down. If you're lucky, maybe you can make it to the roof and jump to another building. But you'll need to hurry—you can already hear more stone warriors on the stairs behind you.

You burst out onto the roof and realize that you've made a mistake. All the buildings around are too far away to jump to, and there aren't any trees you can climb down. The stone warriors are going to catch you at any second.

Okay. You can't escape, so you need to signal Kai somehow. You look around the roof, desperately searching for something you can use to buy some time.

In the distance, you spot a huge building with power lines coming from it. That must be the power plant, which powers every building in Ninjago City. And it looks like the main power lines run right past the building you're standing on...

You look over the edge as a very short stone warrior bursts onto the roof. You turn to face him and stick out your tongue.

"You wanna go, shorty?" you taunt. With an angry growl, the stone warrior runs straight towards you. You step to the side and try to use a move you've seen Kai do while he's training, tripping the stone warrior and simultaneously shoving him so he flies over the edge. In reality, you both fall over, his foot slamming into your ribs, and then he rolls off of the roof and grabs the edge.

The stone warrior you tried to knock out with the lamp grabs you and yanks you to your feet, making you cry out when your ribs scream in pain. In desperation, you kick the small stone warrior's fingers, making him lose his grip on the edge of the roof. As the stone warrior holding you drags you back inside, you hear the power lines snap, and a moment later, see Ninjago City go dark.

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