You Come Home

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"We're gonna see Kai, we're gonna see Kai, we're gonna see Kai!" you chant happily while drumming on the dashboard.

"Y/n, enough!" b/f/n sighs. "I know you're excited, but can you please calm down? I'm trying to drive here!"

"Sorry," you say. You stop chanting, although you do keep drumming on the dashboard.

B/f/n groans. "Remind me to never go on a long car trip with you ever again."

"Okay, okay! I'll stop!" you laugh. "It's just that we're almost there! I'm gonna see my boyfriend for the first time in two months!"

B/f/n snorts loudly.

"Oh, come on, he messed up one time! You can't still be mad about that," you protest.

"Watch me."

You roll your eyes. "You can't stay mad at Kai forever, b/f/n."

B/f/n nudges your shoulder. "Ninjago to y/n—we're here!"

"What? Why didn't you say so?" You lean over b/f/n, honk the horn, and unbuckle your seatbelt. Meanwhile, the monastery's door opens and a certain red ninja runs out.

"Kai!" you yell, jumping out of the car.

"Y/n!" Kai yells back. He picks you up, spins you around, puts you back down, and kisses you. B/f/n groans loudly.

You and Kai share a look while the other ninja emerge from the monastery.

"Hey, b/f/n!" Lloyd says cheerfully.

B/f/n grins. "Oh look, the only person I actually missed while I was gone!"

"That's b/f/n for 'it's nice to see you,'" you whisper loudly. Kai laughs.

"Y/n, I'm warning you..." b/f/n mutters.

You say hi to the other ninja while Lloyd and b/f/n share a hug.

Sensei Wu walks out of the monastery and swats all the ninja with his staff. "You are all supposed to be training. What are you doing out here?"

"But Sensei—!" Kai begins.

Sensei Wu swats him again. "No interruptions! Now, as I was saying, I need to begin your training in the art of throwing a magnificent welcome-back party."

The ninja start cheering, and Sensei Wu raises his staff. Everyone quiets down.

"If you will let me finish," he says, glaring at his students. "Zane will prepare the refreshments. Jay is in charge of entertainment, and Cole and Lloyd will put up decorations. Kai, you are in charge of making sure y/n and her friend look their best tonight. Nya will be able to help you."

Everyone regards Sensei Wu warily. "What are you waiting for?" he demands. The group scatters.

You laugh a little while you and Kai walk up the steps to the monastery. "I was getting worried for a minute."

Kai laughs and puts an arm around you. "Senseimay be annoying, but he's still pretty cool."

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