First Kiss

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(Sorry in advance, guys...)

You and the ninja are hanging out at a pool near the monastery. Kai is relaxing in a beach chair, you’re challenging Zane to see who can do the best dive off of the diving board, and Cole, Jay, and Lloyd are doing cannonballs and trying to make the biggest splash.
You dive off of the diving board again, climb out of the pool, and wave at Kai. “Come on, Kai! The water’s perfect!”
“Thanks, but I’m good!” Kai yells back. “You’re creaming Zane. I don’t want to jinx it!”
“She is not!” Zane shouts. He flips backwards off of the diving board and into the water.
Kai smirks. While Zane watches you get on the diving board for your next dive, he hops out of his chair and sneaks up behind Zane. He leans forward to push Zane into the pool—and misses. Zane turns around just in time to see Kai slip on the wet concrete, hit his head on the side of the pool, and plunge into the water.
You dive into the pool and swim after Kai, who is already sinking to the bottom. He must be unconscious, because he’s not even trying to swim or reach the surface. You grab Kai’s shoulders and try to pull him up, but he’s too heavy. You can’t lift him.
You swim to the surface, gasp for air, and scream, “Cole! Kai’s drowning!”
“Kai!” Cole dives into the pool, swims to the bottom, and pulls Kai to the surface. Jay, Zane, and Lloyd help him pull Kai out of the water while you swim to the side and climb out.
“He’s not breathing!” Jay shouts. He sounds panicked.
You shove past Cole, kneel next to Kai, and start CPR. “Call 911!” You give Kai two rescue breaths, then 30 chest compressions.
“An ambulance is on its way,” Zane announces.
Everything around you fades into a blur. Chest compressions. Rescue breaths. Compressions. Breaths.






You’re not sure how much time passes, but finally Kai gasps for breath, then turns on his side and coughs up a bunch of water.
“Are you okay?” you demand. “Say something!”
Kai groans and runs a hand through his hair. “What happened? My head hurts.”
“That is not surprising,” Zane tells him. “You hit your head on the side of the pool, blacked out, and almost drowned.”
Lloyd hugs Kai so hard, you think his ribs are going to crack. “Never, ever scare us like that again!”
“Um, Lloyd?” Kai gasps. “Can’t breathe…”
“Sorry!” Lloyd lets go of Kai. “I’m just really glad you’re okay!”
Cole and Jay pile onto Kai and give him a huge group hug.  Zane and Lloyd join in. You stand a little way away and watch them with a huge, relieved smile on your face.
Right on cue, an ambulance pulls up nearby. Two paramedics jump out and run over to the group. Once everything’s been explained, the paramedics pronounce Kai healthy—except for a nasty concussion.
“Good work, miss,” one of them says to you. “You almost certainly saved his life. If you hadn’t acted when you did, we’d be wheeling him out of here in a body bag.”
“Will he be okay?” you ask.
The paramedic nods. “Take him home, make sure he takes it easy for the next week or so, and he’ll be perfectly fine.”
You shake your head. You’re in for a long week; take it easy isn’t part of Kai’s vocabulary.

As you all walk back to the monastery, Kai falls into step behind you. “Good thing that pool had a hot lifeguard,” he says with a grin.
“You can’t argue with me today,” you shoot back without thinking. “I gave you mouth to mouth!” then you realize what you just said and clamp your hands over your mouth.
Kai looks a bit stunned, then smirks at you. “Like this?” he leans forward and kisses you on the lips. You can hear whistles and catcalls (and a groan) from behind you.
When Kai finally pulls away, you blush and stammer, “Yeah, like that.”
Kai puts an arm around your shoulders and pulls you close. “That’s my y/n.”
You lean your head on his shoulder. “That’s my Kai.”

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